As Above So Below
Churchward examines the origin and original meanings of the world's religious symbols and their common source -the ancient Continent of Mu, Mu, the Motherland, whose legacy is displayed in the underlying unity of religious symbology shared by all later civilizations (ancient, vanished and current).
A new look at the meaning of the Seventh Seal, first related by St. John in his Revelations. This is almost a Christian kabbalistic approach to define or explain the 7th seal. It is much better than the myths that modern preachers propose.
We are experiencing quantum leaps forward as our galaxy moves "from one parking place to an-other" in the coming years. Everything changes! David assists us in our deeper understanding of life's mysteries. Our perceptions of time, space, dimen-sions and connectivity with all-that-is are heightened by this revelatory work. Much like Robbie the Robot heralded in an era of new science fiction, David her-alds in an understanding of the past and welcomes the future. His unique path and dedicated teaching approach will be long remembered by future generations.
Cosmic Memory Prehistory of Earth and Man : RUDOLF STEINER is one of those figures who appear at critical moments in human history, and whose contribution places them in the vanguard of the progress of mankind.
Public schools never teach that Sir Issac Newton was a Biblical student and researcher! Reprinted now is his study into the famous Bible prophecies.
The subject of Religious Origins is a fascinating one, as the great multitude of books upon it, published in late years, tends to show. Indeed the great difficulty to-day in dealing with the subject, lies in the very mass of the material to hand--and that not only on account of the labor involved in sorting the material, but because the abundance itself of facts opens up temptation to a student in this department of Anthropology (as happens also in other branches of general Science) to rush in too hastily with what seems a plausible theory.
This is a scanned facsimile of the Key of Solomon in it's original Hebrew language, with introductory material explaining the texts.
In this fascinating and original work we embark upon a journey of imagination and exploration from the beginning of time to the end of infinity. The speculative essays and true life case files presented here may help shed fresh light upon many of the puzzles and enigmas that have confronted humanity since the beginning of time, enigmas reaching deep into the fibres of our very being and existence.
The totem poles dotted the American landscapes for thousands of years. What were they for? What is their meaning? Andrew Lang takes on this research.
THE history of architecture, as usually written, with its theory of utilitarian origins from the hut and the tumulus, and further developments in that way-the adjustment of forms to the conditions of local circumstance; the clay of Mesopotamia, the granite of Egypt, and marble of Greece-is rather the history of building: of 'Architecture' it may be, in the sense we so often use the word, but not the Architecture which is the synthesis of the fine arts, the commune of all the crafts.
The ancient legends and myths of the great religions and folk traditions of the world tell us of marvelous things, tales that, until very recently were considered within the realm of fantasy and not reality by the self-anointed "wise" of our rationalist age--cities which were swallowed by the sea, or an engulfing Earth itself; populated underworlds of varied descriptions, some paradisical, others more hellish; non-human beings with the ability to fly, to travel to nearby planets, or under the sea, or beneath the ground, and with an interest, and urge to interfere, in the destiny of human beings or human history.
Francis Bacon, Shakespeare, and their connection to the mysterious Rosicrucians secret society is still a puzzle unravelling.
One of the most notable and finest esoteric books written.
Great Oracle of the Gods: called also The Book of the Speech of Hermes-Mercurius and the True Wheel of Fortune; Art of Knowing the Good Genii and Their Influence Upon the Destiny of Men; Occult Science of Jewels; Sidelights on Workings of Destiny in Business and Pleasure; Some Names of Womanhood; Curiosities of Planetary Lore; Wheel of Wisdom; Little Book of Divination by Flowers; Mystery of Dreams.
Excellent reference work study into the mysteries of the Tarot - a tool of divination from the most ancient civilizations.
When God created the world he truly did create everything in it. Just as herbs can be used for healing and for psychic means, so can all the stones that exist right around us.