As Above So Below
When God created the world he truly did create everything in it. Just as herbs can be used for healing and for psychic means, so can all the stones that exist right around us.
They appear at night, complex designs mysteriously imprinted on fields of almost ripened grain. Nobody knows how they got there, or why. They leave the grain stalks in swirls, virtually undamaged. They exhibit mathematical precision. They demonstrate principles of geometry. They portray ancient religious symbols.
Most laymen in the general public, know nothing about Speculative Masonry. This study reveals its origins and purpose.
Lectures about the most recognizable symbols of Freemasons.
The totem poles dotted the American landscapes for thousands of years. What were they for? What is their meaning? Andrew Lang takes on this research.
Cosmic Memory Prehistory of Earth and Man : RUDOLF STEINER is one of those figures who appear at critical moments in human history, and whose contribution places them in the vanguard of the progress of mankind.
Public schools never teach that Sir Issac Newton was a Biblical student and researcher! Reprinted now is his study into the famous Bible prophecies.
The subject of Religious Origins is a fascinating one, as the great multitude of books upon it, published in late years, tends to show. Indeed the great difficulty to-day in dealing with the subject, lies in the very mass of the material to hand--and that not only on account of the labor involved in sorting the material, but because the abundance itself of facts opens up temptation to a student in this department of Anthropology (as happens also in other branches of general Science) to rush in too hastily with what seems a plausible theory.
This is a scanned facsimile of the Key of Solomon in it's original Hebrew language, with introductory material explaining the texts.
In this fascinating and original work we embark upon a journey of imagination and exploration from the beginning of time to the end of infinity. The speculative essays and true life case files presented here may help shed fresh light upon many of the puzzles and enigmas that have confronted humanity since the beginning of time, enigmas reaching deep into the fibres of our very being and existence.
This book is for the student who seeks to illuminate his intelligence by the Torch of his own divinity. Let him whose quest is the gratification of a selfish intellectualism beware its pages, for this is a book of hidden mystery and power. Therefore let the mind be pure that it may invite the approach of the Pilgrim Soul and come into a new realization of God's Omnipotence and Justice.
A Christian spiritual, and mystical look at the mythology of Adam, Eve and the Garden of Eden.
The author's expertise and knowledge of the Sumerian language helped to hasten the early decoding of the Indus Valley seals.
THE following pages are designed to give the reader a bird's-eye view of the salient features in Jewish mysticism rather than a solid presentation of the subject as a whole. The reason for this will be apparent when one thinks of the many centuries of variegated thought that have had to be packed within the small number of pages allotted to the book. It is this very fact, too, that will possibly give the present treatment of the subject a fragmentary and tentative appearance.
The author, a doctor and Freemason, connects dots between science and mysticism.