Spirituality-Religions Spiritual Uplifting


Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep
Incredible Cities of the Inner Earth
A Dangerous Book
Universal Oneness

Spiritual Uplifting


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Way of Initiation
Catalog #: SKU3681

Many of even the most cultivated men of our time have a very mistaken idea of what is a true mystic and a true occultist. They know these two forms of human mentality only by their imperfect or degenerate types, of which recent times have afforded but too many examples.

Cosmic Consciousness
Catalog #: SKU3664

The religions and philosophies of the Orient and the Occident compared; their chief difference; The mistaken idea of death. Cosmic Consciousness not common in the Orient. Why? What the earnest disciple strives for. The Real and the unreal.

Nature and the Gods
Catalog #: SKU3544

Ladies and Gentlemen,-No word has played a more important part in the discussion of scientific and philosophical questions than the word Nature.

Seven Lamps of Architecture
Catalog #: SKU3541

Some years ago, in conversation with an artist whose works, perhaps, alone, in the present day, unite perfection of drawing with resplendence of color, the writer made some inquiry respecting the general means by which this latter quality was most easily to be attained. The reply was as concise as it was comprehensive-"Know what you have to do, and do it"

You -- Forever
Catalog #: SKU3402

I am Tuesday Lobsang Rampa. That is my only name, it is now my legal name, and I answer to no other. Many letters come to me with a weird conglomeration of names attached; they go straight in the waste paper basket, for, as I say, my only name is Tuesday Lobsang Rampa.

Wisdom of the Ancients
Catalog #: SKU3401

Such a lot of people like to have big words. Such a lot of people mess up the whole thing when they go in for Big Words.

Three Lives
Catalog #: SKU3399

This book is NOT presented to you as fiction for a very special reason; it is NOT fiction!
Of course, we can readily agree that some of the words in the book about life on this world are 'artistic license', but accept my statement that EVERYTHING about the life on 'The Other Side' is definitely true.

Thirteenth Candle
Catalog #: SKU3398

'The Thirteenth Candle?' Well, it is meant to be a logical title derived from what I am trying to do. I am trying to 'light a candle' which is far better than 'cursing the darkness'. This is my thirteenth book which, I hope, will be my Thirteenth Candle.

Our Hidden Forces
Catalog #: SKU3396

An Experimental Study of the Psychic Sciences

I Believe
Catalog #: SKU3394

MISS MATHILDA HOCKERSNICKLER of Upper Little Puddlepatch sat at her half opened window. The book she was reading attracted her whole attention. A funeral cortege went by without her shadow falling across the fine lace curtains adorning her windows.

Catalog #: SKU3392

The faint flickering gleam of fourteen little Candles shines forth into the world, bringing to a vast number of people some of the Light of astral knowledge.

Beyond the Tenth
Catalog #: SKU3391

To save a lot of later questions, let me say now that Man is one tenth conscious, the other nine tenths deal with the subconscious and all that which comes under the heading 'Racial Memories' and the Occult.
This book is about YOU, not just about one tenth of you, but also that which goes Beyond the Tenth.

As It Was
Catalog #: SKU3390

"As It Was!" Now why would he use such a silly title?

Things Divine and Supernatural Conceived by Analogy with Things Natural and Human
Catalog #: SKU3370

A reproduction of this 1733 rare and hard to find book.

As A Man Thinketh & The Way of Peace (2 Books in 1 Volume- Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU3350

THE aphorism, "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he," not only embraces the whole of a man's being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.

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