Spiritual Uplifting
Volume 10 of the mystical revelations of G.R.S. Mead.
This is the entire set of 11 Volumes of Echoes of the Gnosis.
Global warming is overtaking the Earth and all whose bodies are not prepared for the new conditions are going to perish just as did the masses in the series of floods which submerged Atlantis!
Let Kerrie guide you as you experience the power of your energy centres. The first guided visualization embraces the techniques to empower your chakras to create balance and more energy in your life.
A book of Spiritual fiction: The romance of two worlds, while looking at the world of science, reality, and spirit.
The Days Before Tommorrow expands on the details in "Mysteries of the Pyramid," bringing the author's view of how Christianity plays a role in the prophecies. Admittedly the theories are not typical mainstream theologies which are popular today in Christianity, but Lewis has researched and presented his views very well in an easy to read format.
The Days Before Tommorrow expands on the details in "Mysteries of the Pyramid," bringing the author's view of how Christianity plays a role in the prophecies. Admittedly the theories are not typical mainstream theologies which are popular today in Christianity, but Lewis has researched and presented his views very well in an easy to read format.
This sameness is the mystery, Mystery within mystery; The door to all marvels.
From a Toltec perspective, questions relating to the role and purpose of dreaming, can only be answered if dreaming is viewed within the context of an overall framework. To this end, the chapters that precede those on dreaming address such issues as, "What is life?" "Death - its nature" and "What are dreams?".
Troward's contributions to the explanation of what he calls "Mental Science" are models of clarity,
and I have myself found them most helpful in sorting and crystallising my own thoughts on
"spiritual" matters.
This is a very unique book that will instantly grab at the heartstrings of those who experienced the 60's and 70's. It will slowly and enrichingly grab the hearts of everyone else. Touching on everything from sacred geometry to spiritual depth, Hansen gives insight into the quest for life, meaning and truths. The first book received at HiddenMysteries was grabbed up by workers here, and is dog-eared and bookmarked with post-its, as the crew here uses the book for a daily uplifting.
The religions and philosophies of the Orient and the Occident compared; their chief difference; The mistaken idea of death. Cosmic Consciousness not common in the Orient. Why? What the earnest disciple strives for. The Real and the unreal.
Coming Full Circle is a true story about my sister, Peggy. Moving from the Missouri Ozarks to a modern town in Southern Oregon, at age 15, she finds herself without the proper clothing or manner of speaking. But her dynamic personality, leadership ability, high morals, mystical attunement, outstanding beauty, song writing, and musical talents, propel her to the top.