Spiritual Discovery
This book is the fourth of a series by David H. Lewis, based on research
involving the infinite powers of the human mind and our universal
energy. Its contents establish the connection between our normally used
powers and the unknown gifted powers from the center of Creation.
This book is the fourth of a series by David H. Lewis, based on research
involving the infinite powers of the human mind and our universal
energy. Its contents establish the connection between our normally used
powers and the unknown gifted powers from the center of Creation.
Ancient scrolls reveal that Jesus spent seventeen years in India and Tibet From age thirteen to age twenty-nine, he was both a student and teacher of Buddhist and Hindu holy men. The story of his journey from Jerusalem to Benares was recorded by Brahman historians. Today they still know him and love him as St. Issa. Their 'buddha'
"Today, the first essential of brotherhood is freedom. Freedom to think,
freedom to believe, freedom to strive, freedom to develop, from highest
to lowest. And the employer who refuses this opportunity to the men who
work under him is no more truly a force of disintegration than the
laborer who refuses to cooperate with his employer and thus proves
himself unworthy of a place in the procession of progress...
"What are you, where did you come from, and whither are you bound?"--the question which from Homer's days has been put to the wayfarer in strange lands--is likewise the all-absorbing question which man is ever asking of the universe of which he is himself so tiny yet so wondrous a part.
THE time has arrived, when the Great Wisdom, held and guarded for many centuries in the Far East, is now to come forth in America, at the command of those Great Ascended Masters who direct and protect the evolution of mankind upon this earth.
The Great Ascended Master, Saint Germain, throughout this series of books, is one of those Powerful Emissaries from the Spiritual Hierarchy of Ascended Masters who govern this planet.
Dana Howard reveals the future of the planet and mankind from her contact with extra-terrestrial aliens in the 1950-60s.
Julian, an emporer after Constantine, rejected the new religion of christianity, preferring to worship in the faith of his fathers. This resulted in the christians rewriting history and renaming him 'The Apostate.' Reading Julian's observations about his religion is quite different from listening or reading what christians have said about the ancient religion. My personal take reading Julian, is that his religion grew from scientific knowledge, that was lost to religion over time.
First, it is suggested that you read this book from start to finish, casually, so as to get a feel for its true mission. Then go over the book a second time, taking in and performing the various rituals, as well as reviewing the valuable information.
Within the pages of this book you will discover "the Seven Ministering Angels of the Seven Blessings", and how to connect with them to manifest the Seven Great Blessings in your life.
The visible phenomena of the universe are bound by the universal law of cause and effect. The effect is visible or perceptible, while the cause is invisible or imperceptible. The falling of an apple from a tree is the effect of a certain invisible force called gravitation. Although the force cannot be perceived by the senses, its expression is visible. All perceptible phenomena are but the various expressions of different forces which act as invisible agents upon the subtle and imperceptible forms of matter.
The author records the efforts of man through history to identify his spiritual truths.
Ellis Wynne appeared at a time when his country had sore need of him, when the appointed teachers of the nation were steeped in apathy and corruption, when ignorance and immorality overspread the land - the darkest hour before the dawn. He was one of the early precursors of the Methodist revival in Wales, a voice crying in the wilderness, calling upon his countrymen to repent.
As I look into the future of the human race I am reminded of how once, from amid the bleak chaos of rock and snow at the head of an Alpine pass, I looked down upon the far stretching view of Lombardy, shimmering in the sunshine and extending in one splendid panorama of blue lakes and green rolling hills until it melted into the golden haze which draped the far horizon. Such a promised land is at our very feet which, when we attain it, will make our present civilization seem barren and uncouth.
I can't in all honesty tell you I believe her story! How can a grown, mature, person with all his faculties con someone into believing they know someone from another planet who is walking our Earth and living amongst us? Science does, after all, tell us life cannot possible exist elsewhere in our own solar system.