Spiritual Discovery
I can't in all honesty tell you I believe her story! How can a grown, mature, person with all his faculties con someone into believing they know someone from another planet who is walking our Earth and living amongst us? Science does, after all, tell us life cannot possible exist elsewhere in our own solar system.
Did you ever notice that there are some people who seem to always come out ahead in life? You know the ones...they are always at the right time and place to get the very best of everything. They get the best jobs, make a lot of money, are super attractive to the opposite sex, and they make it look so easy. What makes these people especially irritating is that it seems as if they don't try at all for these things that life just tosses everything that they desire right into their laps.
I know of what I speak when I tell you she has always relied upon God's help for guidance and inspiration. Whether she is harnessing very traditional Christian sentimentalities or depending upon more paganistic stimulation, the gifted psychic always calls upon the Divine Creator for her most important inspirations.
Ladies and Gentlemen,-No word has played a more important part in the discussion of scientific and philosophical questions than the word Nature.
"PUT A SPELL ON YOU CAUSE YOU'RE MINE" Those are the words of the great bluesman Screamin' Jay Hawkins, who was years ahead of Alice Cooper, Black Sabbath and a multitude of Heavy Metal bands seeking to embrace - and sometimes exploit - a bit of the macabre in their musical persona, including various aspects of occultism, from "Satanism" to Voodoo to Hoodoo. As a rock enthusiast, I truly admire Screamin' Jay, for he was genuinely authentic and an original - no doubt reinforced by a real visit to the infamous "crossroads" sometime in his life.
Some years ago, in conversation with an artist whose works, perhaps, alone, in the present day, unite perfection of drawing with resplendence of color, the writer made some inquiry respecting the general means by which this latter quality was most easily to be attained. The reply was as concise as it was comprehensive-"Know what you have to do, and do it"
Even though the UFO contactee movement of this period is still considered to be highly controversial in nature, we do believe that reputed contacts between humans and off-world intelligence are an intricate part of the history of the UFO phenomenon. Regardless of a person's individual suspicions regarding the legitimacy of the subject matter, it can't be denied that the reports of close encounters, mainly coming forth from the western regions of the United States (circa 1950ish) resulted in the birth of the New Age movement as we for the most part recognize it today.
This is a book of triple power. It combines a presentation of the magickal virtues within the 150 Psalms of the Holy Bible, the ancient art of candle burning and an unusual method of invoking the Divine Names of Power.
Who is Ashtar? Man or Myth? Name or Title? Space Commander or Archangel? Intergalactic Spiritual Leader? We believe the pursuit of these answers will be an interesting adventure for those dedicated in understanding the Guardian Action surrounding this planet.
Most people are willing to pay lip service to the idea of angels, but few are ready to make that leap of faith and say they experience angels in real-world terms. Read stories of people whose very lives were saved by these normally unseen agents of God.
For ages men have sought to perpetuate their memories in enduring monuments of brass and of stone. Yet, in their efforts to build lasting memorials they have neglected the most enduring monument of all-the Monument of Posterity. These farseeing ones have overlooked their real opportunity; for in posterity-in the achievements of their children's children, men may best hope to reflect a lasting greatness.
A SOLEMN period of the world's destiny was approaching; the sky was overshadowed with darkness and filled with sinister omens.
The circumstances with which the narrative deals are an important contribution to the history of psychic research, and they are presented for what they are worth while the witnesses and actors in the story are alive.
The circumstances with which the narrative deals are an important contribution to the history of psychic research, and they are presented for what they are worth while the witnesses and actors in the story are alive.
The circumstances with which the narrative deals are an important contribution to the history of psychic research, and they are presented for what they are worth while the witnesses and actors in the story are alive.