Spirituality-Religions Spiritual Discovery


Deon Chronicles
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Crucifixion of the Truth
Atlantis Conspiracy

Spiritual Discovery


Prometheus Rising
Catalog #: SKU0459

Imagine trying to make sense of an amalgam of Timothy Leary

Sex, Drugs and Magick
Catalog #: SKU0460

Sex, Drugs & Magick can be considered a 'scholarly' appraisal of both the historical and modern use (an misuse) of drugs in conjunction with sex and 'occult' practices. But don't let the word 'scholarly' put you off. Don in Wilson' inimitable style, this is a book filled with humor, cynicism, wonder and essential information for those who would pursue what can be an immensely rewarding path, potholed with a array of social and physical dangers.

Christianity Unmasqued
Catalog #: SKU0461

In this scenario the Church is the agent assigned to bring you to her master. Does she bring you to liberty or does she bring you to bondage? Does she brlng you to the good guy or does she bring you to the bad guy?

Indigo Children : The New Kids Have Arrived
Catalog #: SKU0472

Parents, if you have small children this book is for you! The Indigo Child is a boy or girl who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before. This pattern has singularly unique factors that call for parents and teachers to change their treatment and upbringing of these kids to assist them in achieving balance and harmony in their lives, and to help them avoid frustration.

Apocryphal New Testament
Catalog #: SKU0501

Comprising the Gospels & Epistles now extant, that in the first four centuries were more or less accredited to the apostles and their coadjutors, but were finally excluded from the New Testament canon.

Something in This Book Is True
Catalog #: SKU0503

Earth changes, pole shifts, Indian yogis who change bodies every few centuries, Hopi prophecies, the secret government, the French military trying to blow up the axis of Christ-consciousness grid with eight nuclear bombs, the sixth blast awakening Mother Earth from her slumber

Nothing in This Book Is True
Catalog #: SKU0504

If conventional explanations of life don't make much sense to you anymore, the ideas in this book just might. Included within is an account of our planetary ascent into higher consciousness with a big screen view of the Earth drama through the experience of the Ascended Masters, Thoth, Babaji, and a playful witness-guide from the 13th dimension, Drunvalo Melchizedek.

You Are a Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience
Catalog #: SKU0505

The author writes freely about the spiritual and philosophical implications of the astonishing topics in his previous two books, showing how we can recover our birthright as spritual beings.

Atlantis Conspiracy
Catalog #: SKU0506

THE ATLANTIS CONSPIRACY summarizes the evidence that the world today is slowly coming under the control of a group of conspirators whose secret organization began some 12,000 years ago in legendary Atlantis. This book "connects the dots", showing the pattern behind UFOs, the paranormal, lost civilizations, and sinister events such as the Kennedy assassination.

Weaver of Worlds
Catalog #: SKU0523

From Navajo Apprenticeship to Sacred Geometry and Dreams : In the Sioux system, the numbers one through five are called the left-hand count and each of the numbers has symbolic associations. One is the sun, two is the earth, three is plants, four is animals, five is the human being. The left-hand count is associated with the left half of the human being, which is said to be the receptive side, embracing the world of human experience. A drummer, for example, holds a hand drum with the left, or receptive, hand.

Our Solarian Legacy
Catalog #: SKU0524

Our Solarian Legacy is a call to action unlike any other you may have encountered before. According to cultural historian and cosmologist Paul Von Ward, the time has come for human beings to reassess just about everything we believe about our ancestry and global past. Drawing upon forgotten prehistory, clues from the world's esoteric traditions, new research in consciousness, and subtle energies and sound reasoning, Von Ward asserts we are more powerful beings than either science or religion has led us to believe.

Masters of the Mystical Rose
Catalog #: SKU0535

In order to understand the present, we must understand the past. From Noah to St Germain, from the Knights Templar to the Royal House of Scotland, this meticulously researched book by Maree Moore goes a long way in putting together the pieces that make up this great canvas of history. Revelations that hold more fascination and relevance for the world today can be tied in to the truths revealed in The Masters of the Mystical Rose.

Cross-Examination : Christianity on Trial
Catalog #: SKU0545

The information presented in this book deals with a landmark Freedom of Expression case. It began as a Human Rights Board of Inquiry and progressed through the legal system from the Court of Queen's Bench and the New Brunswick Court of Appeal, all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada. It is presently under investigation by the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations at Geneva, Switzerland.

Mysticism and the New Physics
Catalog #: SKU0550

The exciting sequel to The Holographic Universe - Mystics and "idealist" have always propounded the idea that the world is an illusion. Now quantum physics is putting forward theories that reinforce this belief. Until recently, the empirical approach of physicists such as Newton has taught us that the world exists with or without human consciousness to observe it. But we can never be totally objective about reality.

Sacred Steps
Catalog #: SKU0552

Not just a book
