Spiritual Discovery
Now first of all produced out of darkness into the light, against all caco-Magicians, and contemners of the gifts of God; for the profit and delectation of all those, who do truely and piously love the creatures of God, and do use them with thanksgiving, to the honour of God, and profit of themselves and their neighbours.
The Angels of the Seven Planets, their Sigils, the Signs and Houses of the Planets, the names of the Seven Heavens, according to the Magical Elements of Peter de Abano, with the names of the Olympic Spirits of the Planets according to the Arbatel of Magic, and the Infernal Sigils of the Evil Planetary Spirits according to the Red Dragon.
Coming Full Circle is a true story about my sister, Peggy. Moving from the Missouri Ozarks to a modern town in Southern Oregon, at age 15, she finds herself without the proper clothing or manner of speaking. But her dynamic personality, leadership ability, high morals, mystical attunement, outstanding beauty, song writing, and musical talents, propel her to the top.
The idea behind Bible Magick is simple; all verses in the Bible are charged with spiritual energies. This power of creation is called "LOGOS," meaning "WORD." It is thought that God the Creator used the LOGOS to initiate creation. The Universe and everything within it are divine words that have solidified. You can imagine that they were once dissolved in the sound vibrations of the divine cosmic word. Each thing we see is a divine word become solid.
The information in this book is the master key which unlocks the door to higher dimensions of peace and power. A better life awaits you, a life in which you may banish the negative fetters of doubt, fear and guilt, so that you may be all you were intended to be. However, just reading this book will not do it -- you must apply the principles set forth, and thus create a firm foundation upon which you can build a new and better life.
First, it is suggested that you read this book from start to finish, casually, so as to get a feel for its true mission. Then go over the book a second time, taking in and performing the various rituals, as well as reviewing the valuable information.
Within the pages of this book you will discover "the Seven Ministering Angels of the Seven Blessings", and how to connect with them to manifest the Seven Great Blessings in your life.
There have been many books written about the aura, mainly by clairvoyants who possess no scientific education. There have also been technical papers about the electro-photonic properties of cells written by physicists, biologists and doctors whose research is generally inaccessible or incomprehensible to the public.
This book is dangerous because it declares, as openly and clearly as possible, that people-and that means you, me, and everybody else-are not on this earth to wave a flag, or kill for God, or flip burgers, or convert the riches of the planet into scribbles on a ledger. ---32 Mind Opening Chapters!
From the author of 'A Dangerous Book', Rodger Stevens, points mankind to many of the sources of modern problems in society, with answers and solutions for correcting the madness. Perhaps in these early years of the 21st Century we are seeing the beginnings of an imminent collapse of the engines of deception whose power and reach have never been greater than they are today.
Troward's contributions to the explanation of what he calls "Mental Science" are models of clarity,
and I have myself found them most helpful in sorting and crystallising my own thoughts on
"spiritual" matters.
WE TAKE DRUGS FOR TWO MAIN REASONS; EITHER TO RESTORE ourselves to the condition we regard as normal --to cure infections, and to take away pain; or to release us from normality--to enable us to feel more lively, or more relaxed; to alter our mood, or our perceptions. It is with this second category (of drug use, not of drugs; the drugs themselves may be the same) that I am concerned.
THE PRIMARY aim of this book is to explain the remarkable rule which regulated the succession to the priesthood of Diana at Aricia. When I first set myself to solve the problem more than thirty years ago, I thought that the solution could be propounded very briefly, but I soon found that to render it probable or even intelligible it was necessary to discuss certain more general questions, some of which had hardly been broached before.
The subtle intuitive perception of the psychological basis of the social position, the analysis of the frame of mind of oppressors and oppressed, and of the intoxication of Authority and Servility, as well as the purely descriptive passages in the last chapter -- these could only have come from the author of "War and Peace."
Whatever forces may govern human life, if they are to be recognised by man, must betray themselves in human experience. Progress in science or religion, no less than in morals and art, is a dramatic episode in man's career, a welcome variation in his habit and state of mind; although this variation may often regard or propitiate things external, adjustment to which may be important for his welfare. 5 books in one volume.