Spirituality-Religions Spiritual Discovery


Deon Chronicles
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Crucifixion of the Truth
Atlantis Conspiracy

Spiritual Discovery


Catalog #: SKU0234

The unconscious (subconscious) aspect of the human mind has long been shrouded in mystery. This bold and dynamic book reveals the key to communicating directly with this little understood realm of our psyche. Exploring different facets of behavior allow the clear analysis of the nature of what is hidden within the deeper elements of the mind and how these controlling patterns of behavior came to be.

Quantum Healing
Catalog #: SKU0668

Exploring The Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine - Here is an extraordinary new approach to healing by an extraordinary physician-writer-a book filled with the mystery, wonder, and hope of people who have experienced seemingly miraculous recoveries from cancer and other serious illnesses.

Salvaging of Civilization
Catalog #: SKU3193

The present outlook of human affairs is one that admits of broad generalizations and that seems to require broad generalizations. We are in one of those phases of experience which become cardinal in history. A series of immense and tragic events have shattered the self-complacency and challenged the will and intelligence of mankind. Large print 15 point font.

Secret Power of Words
Catalog #: SKU1942

Words are SPOKEN as rewards from those we love, or used as weapons to cause hurt. Words inspire us. They form an atomic link of spirit to the very Presence of God. They evoke the very presence of evil. They can bring either miracles or mayhem, love or lust, health or sickness, gratification or utter despair.

Self-Aware Universe
Catalog #: SKU0653

How Consciousness Creates the Material World - In this stimulating and timely book, Amit Goswami, Ph.D., shatters the widely popular belief held by Western science that matter is the primary "stuff" of creation, and proposes instead that consciousness it the true foundation of all we know and perceive.

Something in This Book Is True
Catalog #: SKU0503

Earth changes, pole shifts, Indian yogis who change bodies every few centuries, Hopi prophecies, the secret government, the French military trying to blow up the axis of Christ-consciousness grid with eight nuclear bombs, the sixth blast awakening Mother Earth from her slumber

Spirit Intercourse
Catalog #: SKU4027

A manual of mediumship, covering all phases of becoming an accomplished medium.

Testimony in Stone
Catalog #: SKU0018

ere is set forth testimony demonstrating that the utterances of the prophets in the Bible, the information supplied by chronological time-periods and the time factors built into the Great Pyramid are all inter-locking. Each corroborates the other and they all depend upon one another so that to ignore any one of the three is to fall short of having all that is needed to possess complete understanding of the "times and seasons" in this generation.

Thirteenth Candle
Catalog #: SKU3398

'The Thirteenth Candle?' Well, it is meant to be a logical title derived from what I am trying to do. I am trying to 'light a candle' which is far better than 'cursing the darkness'. This is my thirteenth book which, I hope, will be my Thirteenth Candle.

Three Lives
Catalog #: SKU3399

This book is NOT presented to you as fiction for a very special reason; it is NOT fiction!
Of course, we can readily agree that some of the words in the book about life on this world are 'artistic license', but accept my statement that EVERYTHING about the life on 'The Other Side' is definitely true.

Upon the Sovereign Sun and Mother of the Gods
Catalog #: SKU1941

Julian, an emporer after Constantine, rejected the new religion of christianity, preferring to worship in the faith of his fathers. This resulted in the christians rewriting history and renaming him 'The Apostate.' Reading Julian's observations about his religion is quite different from listening or reading what christians have said about the ancient religion. My personal take reading Julian, is that his religion grew from scientific knowledge, that was lost to religion over time.

Ways of the Lonely Ones
Catalog #: SKU1197

This reprint is from the famous mystic teacher and author of 'Secret of All Ages', Manly P. Hall.
From the Introduction: Life is not merely what it seems to be. Hidden from our eyes by the cloak of materiality is a wonderful world which only the eyes of the dreamer can see and the soul of the mystic comprehend. The stony walls of conventionalized -thought and commercalized ideals shut from the view life's noble path. But as the ages pass, some see, some comprehend the greatness of the Divine Plan and the glorious destiny of the human r soul. Sorrow, suffering and loneliness are the great builders of character. Man never becomes truly great until his heart is broken. That is the supreme test.

You Are a Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience
Catalog #: SKU0505

The author writes freely about the spiritual and philosophical implications of the astonishing topics in his previous two books, showing how we can recover our birthright as spritual beings.

Bible Code II
Catalog #: SKU0630

The Bible code--the ancient code encrypted in the Bible that may reveal the future--was made known to the world by investigative reporter Drosnin. Now he reveals startling new predictions warning that society may have only three years to stop the countdown to Armageddon.

Magdalene's Lost Legacy
Catalog #: SKU0734

Symbolic Numbers and the Sacred Union in Christianity - Starbird decodes the symbolic numbers embedded in the original Greek phrases of the New Testament
