Spiritual Discovery
In theoretical as well as applied psychology no term is more misleading, or confusing than the term consciousness. We use the term often in our conversation; we come across it in our study; but when we are asked to define it properly, to explain its significance, its meaning, or the idea for which that word stands, we are unable to do so.
In The Cosmic Fire, a Treatise the Tibetan has given us what H. P. Blavatski prophesied he would give, namely the psychological key to the Cosmic Creation.
A study in reincarnation. After one has accepted the idea of Reincarnation, that the soul returns again and again to earth, the question inevitably arises, "What is the end of it all?" Answers have been given by Eastern philosophers, as also by Plato, all of whom postulate Reincarnation as a necessary part of the soul's existence. Their answer is Liberation, or a final freedom from rebirths.
Write a book? Who me? Become an author? I was reluctant! Here I am, at age 82, being urged by the wondrous voice that, through the years, I had come to recognize as Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus). My recurring dreams and meditations had revealed that at the time of his life on earth, he had asked me to become his disciple. Is reluctance my middle name? Having come to me, very dynamically at age 10, during this lifetime, and guiding me through the years, he is now making it clear that I am not going to squirm out of his request this time.
I have tried to bring out the exceedingly practical character of many of the discoveries made by those scientists who, despite the often contemptuous criticism of their colleagues, have valiantly persisted in their adventurings in the psychical. The world has undoubtedly been the gainer, and richly the gainer, by their labors; and it surely is well worth while to survey in some detail the field they have explored and the results of their explorations.
This book is one of many written by this world renowned author, who in more recent years has turned his research toward those appendices of Science that uncover the unknown of God and His Universe.
The question is often asked, How old is Masonry and where did it begin? The answer must depend entirely on one's definition of the word. If by that term one means a Freemason in the modern sense, who is a member of a subordinate lodge operating under the authority of a Grand Lodge and practising the rites of Symbolical Masonry, then Freemasonry came into existence in London in 1717.
Some of the most curious prophecies, coming from England in the 18th century. Includes a synopsis of other prophecies, including one of Enoch and Seth.
A story related to the writer by Kenneth Folingsby. A vision of a future with some utopian conclusions and some not so satisfying. This tale came from the author's visions while in a coma.
Michael X was one of the greatest avatars of the early UFO/New Age movement of the 1950s. He spoke with great articulation and sincerity at many of the well attended outdoor conventions held annually at Giant Rock, a private landing strip just out of Joshua Tree in the hot Mohave Desert of Southern Calif. He spoke calmly and collectively about the arrival of the silvery spaceships, dubbed flying saucers, explaining how they were piloted by friendly space beings from this solar system and way beyond.
One of the few books written that comprehensively delves into the life of Merlin the Magician, as he is commonly known. Merlin also delivered prophecies, some already fulfilled, others yet to come.
THERE is no age more remarkable to the quiet observer than our own. Everywhere there is a fermentation in the minds of men; everywhere there is a battle between light and darkness, between exploded thought and living ideas, between powerless wills and living active force; in short everywhere is there war between animal man and growing spiritual man.
A Compilation of Historical Translations And Interpretations of the Prophecies Accredited to Merlin of Celtic Magic and Wizardry.
One of the few books written that comprehensively delves into the life of Merlin the Magician, as he is commonly known. Merlin also delivered prophecies, some already fulfilled, others yet to come.
The facts in nature are the foundation out of which all consciousness and knowledge grow. Science is the outgrowth of these facts through careful investigation and study. Revelation is facts derived from the inner-consciousness-intuition-which is allied to the cause-world and is cognizant of the mind from which it originated, or from messengers (angels) from God.