Historical Reprints Self Improvement/Skills


Simple Sabotage Field Manual (Electronic Download Edition)
CLAIRVOYANCE and Occult Powers
Treatise on the Brewing of Beer, A (PDF Edition)

Self Improvement/Skills


Peanut Plant
Catalog #: SKU3278

This little work has been prepared mainly for those who have no practical acquaintance with the cultivation of the Peanut. Its directions, therefore, are intended for the beginner, and are such as will enable any intelligent person who has followed farming, to raise good crops of Peanuts, although he may have never before seen the growing plant.

Peat and Its Uses
Catalog #: SKU1998

The high prices which coal and wood have commanded for several years back have directed attention to peat fuel; and, such is the adventurous character of American enterprise, it cannot be doubted that we shall rapidly develop and improve the machinery for producing it.

Doctrine and Practice of Yoga
Catalog #: SKU1241

Student! Your life is your own. You have only yourself to thank for what you are, have been and will be. Take your present into your own hand. Consciously shape out of it your future. Direct your forces along lines of study and endeavour that have the strongest attraction for you. Such attraction is the indication of need. It is the hand pointing out your Life-purpose.

How to Camp Out
Catalog #: SKU1385

Added to our TGS Survival series, this book may well be needed when such emergencies occur, as Hurricane Katrinia-Rita, and the emergency turns out to be long term. We must be prepared to jump start small communities, and few of us will have the information at our fingertips required to survive.

Kinematics of Mechanisms
Catalog #: SKU2055

A rational-numerical or geometrical-approach to kinematic synthesis is possible is a relatively recent idea, not yet fully accepted; but it is this idea that is responsible for the intense scholarly interest in the kinematics of mechanisms that has occurred in this country within the last 10 years.

Power of Mesmerism
Catalog #: SKU2307

This is a fiction novel. It is rated XXX! We reprint this for its theory of mesmerism over sexuality and erotic actions.

Practical Mind Reading
Catalog #: SKU2268

Thought-Transferrence, Telepathy, Mental Currents, Mental Rapport - Practical Instruction, Exercises and Directions!

Telepathy : Genuine and Fraudulent
Catalog #: SKU2274

Telepathy or the direct action of mind on mind apart from the ordinary channels of sense, opens a new chapter; it is not a coping-stone completing an erection, but a foundation stone on which to build

Thought Vibration - Secret of Success - Thought-Force In Business and Everyday Life
Catalog #: SKU0815

THREE BOOKS IN ONE VOLUME - We speak learnedly of the Law of Gravitation, but ignore that equally wonderful manifestation, THE LAW OF ATTRACTION IN THE THOUGHT WORLD. We are familiar with that wonderful manifestation of Law which draws and holds together the atoms of which matter is composed - we recognize the power of the law that attracts bodies to the earth, that holds the circling worlds in their places, but we close our eyes to the mighty law that draws to us the things we desire or fear, that makes or mars our lives.

Young's Scientific Secrets
Catalog #: SKU0852

The object of the present work is clearly announced in its title. It is to collect within a small compass the instructions of experimental knowledge upon a great variety of subjects which relate to the present interests of man. It contains above five hundred genuine and practical receipts, which have been compiled by the publisher with extreme difficulty and expense.

Your Forces and How to Use Them
Catalog #: SKU0822

There are a million energies in man. What may we not become when we learn to use them all." This is the declaration of the poet; and though poetry is usually inspired by transcendental visions, and therefore more or less impressed with apparent exaggerations, nevertheless there is in this poetic expression far more actual, practical truth than we may at first believe.

Art of Distillation
Catalog #: SKU0843

These monarchies the philosophers reckon not according to the more potent, but according to the corners of the world, whereof the northern is the last and, indeed, is no other than the Golden Age in which all tyranny, oppression, envy, and covetousness shall cease, when there shall be one prince and one people abounding with love and mercy, and flourishing in peace, which day I earnestly expect.

As A Man Thinketh & The Way of Peace (2 Books in 1 Volume- Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU3350

THE aphorism, "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he," not only embraces the whole of a man's being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.

Belgian Cook-Book
Catalog #: SKU3352

The recipes in this little book have been sent by Belgian refugees from all parts of the United Kingdom, and it is through the kindness of these correspondents that I have been able to compile it. It is thought, also, that British cooking may benefit by the study of Belgian dishes.

Beyond the 5 Senses
Catalog #: SKU1171

THIS volume deals with certain phenomena that one comes across when stepping out of the world of sense to that which lies beyond it; that is, to the supernormal or transcendental, or whatever people prefer to call it.
