Historical Reprints
Self Improvement/Skills
The first edition of this treatise met with encouragement enough to flatter me that I had left no room to improve it: but, encouraged by the satisfaction my friends was pleased to express of its utility to the public, I have been induced to make every improvement I could collect.
The first edition of this treatise met with encouragement enough to flatter me that I had left no room to improve it: but, encouraged by the satisfaction my friends was pleased to express of its utility to the public, I have been induced to make every improvement I could collect.
Hemp has been demonized by the US Government by conspiracy of industry giants. Yet this plant has been used for thousands of years for hundreds of products.
I am a man; no other man do I deem a stranger. For to me the adjective humanus is no less suspect than its abstract substantive humanitas, humanity. Neither "the human" nor "humanity," neither the simple adjective nor the substantivized adjective, but the concrete substantive-man.
A Practical Treatise On The Tomato, Its History, Characteristics, Planting, Fertilization, Cultivation In Field, Garden, And Greenhouse, Harvesting, Packing, Storing, Marketing, Insect Enemies And Diseases, With Methods Of Control And Remedies,
THREE BOOKS IN ONE VOLUME - We speak learnedly of the Law of Gravitation, but ignore that equally wonderful manifestation, THE LAW OF ATTRACTION IN THE THOUGHT WORLD. We are familiar with that wonderful manifestation of Law which draws and holds together the atoms of which matter is composed - we recognize the power of the law that attracts bodies to the earth, that holds the circling worlds in their places, but we close our eyes to the mighty law that draws to us the things we desire or fear, that makes or mars our lives.
This little booklet is a restored work from an original printing. It is an overview of what you must do and have already done to survive nuclear fallout.
This little booklet is a restored work from an original printing. It is an overview of what you must do and have already done to survive nuclear fallout.
An account of recent investigations regarding hypnotism, automatism, dreams, phantasms, and related phenomena.
Telepathy or the direct action of mind on mind apart from the ordinary channels of sense, opens a new chapter; it is not a coping-stone completing an erection, but a foundation stone on which to build
This book is a reprint of TGS Alternative/Survival Health books. An intelligent man may be wrong sometimes, but a fool is always right. He is never wrong. The medical profession is never wrong. It never changes, except superficially. This is the reason it is necessary for me to write this book. There are many books on the care and feeding of infants, but most of them consist largely of repetitions of ancient mistakes. There is little in them that can be recommended to the parent who desires to care for his or her child in the best manner possible. They are full of statements which have been known to be false for many years. But the medical profession is never wrong.
This book is a preservation work to save a bit of history for today's woman. It contains many pictures of women that were local leaders in the Suffrage Movement and some men that endorsed and supported their cause.
From her Theosophical and Hindu philosophies, Ms. Besant, a great mystic in her own right, teaches how consciousness is the source of all matter and creation.
This reprint is from the famous mystic teacher and author of 'Secret of All Ages', Manly P. Hall. Phrenology, Palmistry, Physiognomy, and Graphology are all covered.