Health-Healing Self-Health


Complete Hypnotism : Mesmerism, Mind Reading and Spiritualism
Risking Being Alive - Wisdom of NOW
CLAIRVOYANCE and Occult Powers
Complete Herbalist, The
Master Key - Scientific Concentration
Studies in the Psychology of Sex Volume 1



Healthy Life Cook Book
Catalog #: SKU3752

For those beginning a non-meat, vegetarian diet, this is the cook book to start with. The original idea was to compile a cookery book for those vegetarians who are non-users of milk and eggs. But as this would have curtailed the book's usefulness, especially to vegetarian beginners, the project was abandoned.

Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick
Catalog #: SKU3312

To the woman who wishes to protect her family from preventable diseases and is anxious to fit herself in the absence of a trained nurse to give intelligent care to those who are sick, this revision of the Red Cross text-book on Elementary Hygiene and Home Care of the Sick is particularly directed.

Homeopathic First Aid Manual
Catalog #: SKU0325

Homeopathy has stood the test of hundreds of years of use because it is in accourdance with the laws of nature. It does not use drugs or artificial means for the alleviation of pain or symptoms. It can avert permanent disablility from the effects of an accident or sudden illness, when used at once.

Homeopathic Guide In All Diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs
Catalog #: SKU3047

The Derangement Caused By Onanism And Sexual Excesses With A Strict Regard To The Present Demands Of Medical Science, And Accompanied By An Appendix On The Use Of Electro-Magnetism In The Treatment Of These Diseases.

Homeopathic Treatment of Diseases of the Sexual System
Catalog #: SKU2181

A home remedy approach to sexually related diseases.

How and When to Be Your Own Doctor
Catalog #: SKU3518

I was a physically tough, happy-go-lucky fellow until I reached my late thirties. Then I began to experience more and more off days when I did not feel quite right. I thought I possessed an iron constitution. Although I grew a big food garden and ate mostly "vegetablitarian" I thought I could eat anything with impunity.

How To Do It
Catalog #: SKU1383

A Primer in Common Sense for the adolescent entering into adulthood. The author is famous for his other works, such 'Man Without a Country', and this little diamond has been forgotten over time.

How to Eat : A Cure For "Nerves"
Catalog #: SKU2910

In "How to Eat" the author offers the sufferer from "nerves" a remedy as simple as that Elisha offered Naaman. He gives him an opportunity to profit by his well-tested knowledge that overeating and rapidity in eating are ruinous to health and shorten life.

How to Eat Right and Live Longer
Catalog #: SKU1410

Another GREAT book from the genius of Cass Ingram. Dr. Ingram shows how the 'right' foods can bring you health and longevity. He has been researching the decline of American health for many years and discovering why Americans are suffering in health more than any other people.

How to Heal with Color
Catalog #: SKU0509

When you are "balanced," you can more effectively rid yourself of toxins and negative patterns that hinder your life processes. One way to achieve balance is through the vibrational remedy of color. Colors interact with the human energy system in a unique way to stabilize physical, emotional, mental and spiritual conditions.

How To Live 100 Years
Catalog #: SKU2446

Stay Healthy and LIVE!

How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day
Catalog #: SKU1102

I have received a large amount of correspondence concerning this small work, and many reviews of it--some of them nearly as long as the book itself--have been printed. But scarcely any of the comment has been adverse.

How To Terminate Stress With Meditation Strategies
Catalog #: SKU2595

This is an exciting book from noted author Maria D'Andrea Solomon that will help every reader to learn how to handle and eliminate stress from their daily lives. Secrets brought from the old world, and updated for the new.

Human Atmosphere : Its Aura
Catalog #: SKU1578

HARDLY one person in ten thousand is aware that he or she is enveloped by a haze intimately connected with the body, whether asleep or awake, whether hot or cold, which, although invisible under ordinary circumstances, can be seen when conditions are favourable. This mist, the prototype of the nimbus or halo constantly depicted around saints, has been manifest to certain individuals possessing a specially gifted sight, who in consequence have received the title of "Clairvoyants," and until quite recently to no one else.

Hygiene Collection of Herbert M. Shelton
Catalog #: SKU1236

This set of book are reprints in TGS Alternative/Survival Health books. All five of TGS Published books on alternative health care and cures by the famous practitioner Herbert M. Shelton of San Antonio, Texas.
