Health-Healing Self-Health


Complete Hypnotism : Mesmerism, Mind Reading and Spiritualism
Risking Being Alive - Wisdom of NOW
CLAIRVOYANCE and Occult Powers
Complete Herbalist, The
Master Key - Scientific Concentration
Studies in the Psychology of Sex Volume 1



Your Third Eye : Dawn of the Aquamarine Healer
Catalog #: SKU1154

Dr. Frank Jeffries reveals his success at 'opening the third eye.' Learn, inside this book, the importance of colors, especially aquamarine, and how colors can affect your life and healing. Dr. Jeffries, a chiropractor, has experienced and explored the relationships and effects of the kundalini and the third eye, on healing. The book is written for healing practitioners, doctors, patients, and anyone wanting to understand or open the third eye into the soul, the Spiritual Illumination via the Kundalini Activation.

Your Forces and How to Use Them
Catalog #: SKU0822

There are a million energies in man. What may we not become when we learn to use them all." This is the declaration of the poet; and though poetry is usually inspired by transcendental visions, and therefore more or less impressed with apparent exaggerations, nevertheless there is in this poetic expression far more actual, practical truth than we may at first believe.

You Can Heal Your Life
Catalog #: SKU0168

There is an incredible power and intelligence within you constantly responding to your thoughts and words. As you learn to control your mind by the conscious choice of thoughts, you align yourself with this power.

Woman, Find Your Voice, Vision, Power
Catalog #: SKU1146

What does it take to get someone to pick up your book and want to read it? This is a very good question for a first time author to ask. So I jumped in and decided that it would probably be a "catchy" title

Woman Beautiful, The
Catalog #: SKU1756

Now days we take cosmetics for granted. You find them in every drug store, discount store, convenience store, beauty salon, etc. But less than a century ago, commercial cosmetics were not that easy to obtain and were high priced. So what did the women of our grandmother's era do? This book reveals their secrets, home-made recipes, and the lost connection between health, grace and beauty.

Whole Food Bible
Catalog #: SKU0586

How to Select and Prepare Safe Healthful Foods - The latest findings on food additives, processing, and preservation methods are presented to enable people to select and prepare the healthiest food possible. The Whole Food Bible, first published in 1991 with more than 35,000 copies sold, is a handy guide for both the experienced and beginning cook with more than 100 simple, healthy, and delicious recipes.

Who Needs Headaches?
Catalog #: SKU0468

White House Cook Book, The
Catalog #: SKU3339

In presenting to the public the "WHITE HOUSE COOK BOOK," the publishers believe they can justly claim that it more fully represents the progress and present perfection of the culinary art than any previous work.

Catalog #: SKU0095

Having suffered a murder attempt by poisoning whilst being ruined in a financial scam Jess Miller went through the clinical depression experience and very nearly died. As he fought his way back from the depths of the Darkness he learned countless lessons about Depression, about himself and about life.

Vivilore : Pathway to Mental and Physical Perfection
Catalog #: SKU3385

Vivilore is a study of 'life-lessons'. This book is an encyclopedia of knowledge from beauty, motherhood, health, death, and much more! 120 illustrations 20 color plates.

Virile Powers of Superb Manhood
Catalog #: SKU2789

Virility is the Achilles heel of manhood, thus the emphasis on modern day drugs (and poisons and quackery) for man 'standing up' for sex. From 1900, MacFadden brings back the importance of health in maintaining virility.

Vibrational Medicine : #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies
Catalog #: SKU0383

This combination of ancient wisdom and new science is the definitive introduction to health care for modern times. The standard reference book on energetic healing, Vibrational Medicine has gained widespread acceptance by individuals, schools, and health-care institutions nationwide as the textbook of choice for the study of alternative medicine.

Valere Aude: Dare To Be Healthy
Catalog #: SKU3372

This volume, and the ensuing pages are designed to serve the purpose of stepping-stone or forecast, has been compiled for the purpose of placing before the public the experiences of thirty-five full years of my life as a biologist and physiological chemist, devoted to the sifting and solution of vital problems of health and eugenics and in the practice of the resultant knowledge of the laws of life discovered in the course of my research.

U.S. Army Survival Manual
Catalog #: SKU2289

The most popular survival manual ever published. Used for decades by the United States Army. Packed with survival techniques not usually considered by the average family.

U.S. Army Special Forces Medical Handbook
Catalog #: SKU2297

Illustrated manual for health care and emergency treatment in survival situations.
