Health-Healing Self-Health


Complete Hypnotism : Mesmerism, Mind Reading and Spiritualism
Risking Being Alive - Wisdom of NOW
CLAIRVOYANCE and Occult Powers
Complete Herbalist, The
Master Key - Scientific Concentration
Studies in the Psychology of Sex Volume 1



Your Third Eye : Dawn of the Aquamarine Healer
Catalog #: SKU1154

Dr. Frank Jeffries reveals his success at 'opening the third eye.' Learn, inside this book, the importance of colors, especially aquamarine, and how colors can affect your life and healing. Dr. Jeffries, a chiropractor, has experienced and explored the relationships and effects of the kundalini and the third eye, on healing. The book is written for healing practitioners, doctors, patients, and anyone wanting to understand or open the third eye into the soul, the Spiritual Illumination via the Kundalini Activation.

Catalog #: SKU1149

This book is a TGS Historical Reprint. The Lindlahr System of Natural Therapeutics represents the first effort ever made to combine in one system all that is good in the various methods of treating human ailments. It is, therefore, the only truly eclectic system of therapeutics in existence. It takes in all that is true in old school medical theories and practice, as well as all that is valuable in modern drugless healing methods.

Woman, Find Your Voice, Vision, Power
Catalog #: SKU1146

What does it take to get someone to pick up your book and want to read it? This is a very good question for a first time author to ask. So I jumped in and decided that it would probably be a "catchy" title

Fasting, Hydropathy and Exercise
Catalog #: SKU1111

The great truths of Nature are here ready for you, reader. Are you ready for them?
Are you free from prejudice, and willing to read and reason without considering the opinions of so-called authorities ? To a free and intelligent human being there is no authority for him higher than his own reasoning power.
If you are free from the slavery of prejudice this book will give you food for thought. It will teach you that weakness is a crime-that it is the result of plain, easily avoided causes-that if your body is weak, or diseased, there is not the slightest excuse for remaining so-that health and strength of a high degree is the natural heritage of man and woman, and if this superb condition is not possessed, this book will clearly and concisely furnish the knowledge necessary to acquire it.

Philosophy Of Fasting
Catalog #: SKU1110

Time is the only sure test for a truth. If our actions, based on our convictions, bring results that satisfy us and our neighbors, then we may know that our convictions were right.
After ten years of experience and observation, the author would re-affirm his belief in the efficacy and the desirability of sane fasting. He knows of hundreds of cases where a partial or complete fast, of one to thirty days, cleansed and renewed the body and mind to a most gratifying extent.
He would urge, however, the need of caution--

Maintaining Health
Catalog #: SKU1108

Writings on hygiene and health have been accessible for centuries, but never before have books and magazines on these subjects been as numerous as they are today. Most of the information is so general, vague and indefinite that only a few have the time and patience to read the thousands of pages necessary to learn what to do to keep well.

How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day
Catalog #: SKU1102

I have received a large amount of correspondence concerning this small work, and many reviews of it--some of them nearly as long as the book itself--have been printed. But scarcely any of the comment has been adverse.

Folk-Lore of Plants
Catalog #: SKU1101

Apart from botanical science, there is perhaps no subject of inquiry connected with plants of wider interest than that suggested by the study of folk-lore. This field of research has been largely worked of late years, and has obtained considerable popularity in this country, and on the Continent.

Self Development and the Way to Power
Catalog #: SKU1077

It is the natural right of every human being to be happy--to escape all the miseries of life. Happiness is the normal condition, as natural as the landscapes and the seasons. It is unnatural to suffer and it is only because of our ignorance that we do suffer. Happiness is the product of wisdom.

CLAIRVOYANCE and Occult Powers
Catalog #: SKU0971

he student in India expects the teacher to state positively the principles involved, and the methods whereby these principles may be manifested, together with frequent illustrations (generally in the nature of fables or parables), serving to link the new knowledge to some already known thing. The Hindu student never expects or demands anything in the nature of "proof" of the teachers statements of principle or method; in fact, he would regard it as an insult to the teacher to ask for the same.

Shakti and Shakta
Catalog #: SKU0964

It has been asserted that there is no such thing as Indian Religion, though there are many Religions in India. This is not so. As I have already pointed out (Is India Civilized?) there is a common Indian religion which I have called Bharata Dharma, which is an Aryan religion (Aryadharma) held by all Aryas whether Brahmanic, Buddhist or Jaina.

Sex Morality : Past, Present, and Future
Catalog #: SKU0962

This thesis on sexual morality was originally published in 1919 at the beginning of the sexual revolution of the 'Roaring Twenties'. It was a medical and scholarly look at both sides of the Sexual Morality issue. Excellent research material.

Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex
Catalog #: SKU0961

The fact of sexual need in man and animal is expressed in biology by the assumption of a "sexual impulse." This impulse is made analogous to the impulse of taking nourishment, and to hunger. The sexual expression corresponding to hunger not being found colloquilly, science uses the expression "libido."

Psychoma : Soul Sleep
Catalog #: SKU0914

Existence as we know it, Birth and Death, Astral- physical- spiritual life, Psychic Visions, Subliminal Self ransmutation: Sex, Law of Vibration, Solar Plexus, Law of Concentration-Meditaion Awakening: Aspiration, Subconsious Mind, Obsession Mastership: Cosmic Consiousness, Happiness, Dominion, Healing

Natural Cures for Headaches
Catalog #: SKU0912

Headaches can be cured naturally: Dr. Cass Ingram proves the headache connection of toxic foods, food additives, and chemicals. Also, learn the hormonal connection to migraines and how to reverse them. Discover the role of structural imbalances, heavy metals, dental fillings, nutritional deficiencies, chronic infections, drug toxicity, and much more and how to naturally correct them. Learn the food allergy connection and how to stop it. The cause of headaches can be found and reversed
