Lost History
Secret Society Histories
Search out and learn the hidden truths of the Masons with Albert Churchward, also recognized for his scholarly historical works.
Will not hell vomit forth its legions to applaud this last Spartacus, to contemplate in amazement this work of the Illuminizing Code?-Will not Satan exclaim, "Here then are men as I wished them. I drove them from Eden; Weishaupt has driven them to the forests. I taught them to offend their God; he has made them reject their God entirely.
A look into the mysterious 96th degree of Freemasonry, that many Masons have failed to study.
A very interesting view that Masonry could save America from the church and the church's destructive nature. This book lays out the obligations of Freemasonry.
Masonry puports to have preserved the ancient mysteries. If true, they succeeded in stopping the Church from destroying all knowledge of the ancients. What mystic truths can we learn from Freemasonry?
Understanding the factual and mystical reasons the square and compass hold in Masonic culture and ritual from one of the great Masonic teachers and writers.
A revelation of those 'secret' signs and symbols of Masonry.
The sources from which the information is taken are the judicial records and contemporary chroniclers. In the case of the chroniclers I have studied their facts and not their opinions. I have also had access to some unpublished trials among the Edinburgh Justiciary Records and also in the Guernsey Greffe. Large print 15 point font.
Behind the United States and its Constitution is a small group of men whose sole objective is to enslave the whole world and humanity in their satanic plot for a one world government. This satanic plot was launched back in the 1760's when it first came into existence under the name of the Illuminati.
An expose of the dark and critical role secret societies play within the ruling families in America and their influence on American democracy, current events, and world history.
The philosophy and practice of today's system has been achieved by injection of massive private funds by foundations under influence, and sometimes control, of The Order. This implementation we will describe in a future volume, How the Order Controls Foundations. In fact, the history of the implementation Dewey's objectives also the history of the larger foundations, i.e., Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Peabody, Sloan, Slater and Twentieth Century.
Francis Bacon, Shakespeare, and their connection to the mysterious Rosicrucians secret society is still a puzzle unravelling.
A study of the Masoni Mysteries with much emphasis on Masonic Symbolism
In one of his tales concerning vampires, St.Germain mentioned in an offhand way that he possessed the wand or staff with which Moses brought water from the rock, adding that it had been presented to him at Babylon during the reign of Cyrus the Great.
One of the few books to research the 'origins' of secret societies' mystical sources.