Secret Societies
The following novella is a work of editing and modernizing an original story, her autobiography, by Moll Flanders herself.
The ministerial role of Masonry, from the view of a Christian Mason.
The famous and infamous Albert Pike takes a look at the origin of Freemasonry.
Paine takes a poke at the lack of evidence proving the foundation of Masonry. While not antagonistic to Masonry, and friends with many Masons, he points out their ignorance of their beginnings.
The author expounds on the spiritual side, duties, and responsibilities of Freemasons.
The Word- a Mystery of all Religions and Secret Societies. The author was a medical doctor and a Mason. His insights into both fields of study provide rare insights into the age of enlightenment during the late 1800s.
The history of Masons in securing Independence for the Colonies of America was far more involved than the history books reveal, from the Masons throwing the tea off the boat, to the Constitution and more.
From a Christian point of reference, this booklet exposes the relationships between Witchcraft and the Illuminati, through the inter-related connections and symbologies.
A Masonic devotional study guide with emphasis on Masonic and Biblical Symbology.
THE mysteries of the ancients, and the associations in which their doctrines were taught, have hardly been considered in modern times, but with a view to decry and ridicule them. The systems of ancient mythology have been treated as monstrous absurdities, debasing the human reason, conducting to idolatry, and favouring depravity of manners. A TGS reprint from 1820. This little book serves up a lot of information into the background of Freemasonry.
A study into the racist and segregation views of the KKK, including their hatred of Masons and Jews.
The author was a medical doctor and a Mason. His insights into both fields of study provide rare insights into the age of enlightenment of the late 1800s.
This ancient esoteric manuscript discovered in 1615, is reproduced in new typeset for ease of reading and we've included facsimiles of the original pages of the booklet. A part of the hidden mysteries of the Order of the Rosy Cross.
Modern Rosicrucians have opened many of their traditions for the public to view and learn, but their history and origins are still shrouded in mystery.