Scientific advancement without limitation is a recipe for disaster. This breakthrough series simplifies the language of recent scientific discoveries, allowing the viewer to judge the dangers of real scientific controversies that effect our lives today.
Heraldry is the science which teaches how to blazon or describe in proper terms armorial bearings and their accessories.Quick reference guide to the icons used and symbology/meaning of the herald components.
From the ashram of India's Satya Sai Baba to the Princeton University laboratories of Dr. Robert Jahn, Dr. O'Leary provides firsthand accounts of materializations, controlled experiments in psychokinesis, the mysterious crop circles, and other enigmatic occurrences. A co-founder of the International Association for New Science, he argues for an expanded scientific framework that can encompass this challenging spectrum of phenomena and lead us to new understandings that may solve our most urgent problems.
Science is going through a major revolution. Concepts such as free energy, healing and the interaction of our consciousness with the environment are becoming increasingly examined and accepted, and these will become the very cornerstones of a new science. The resulting technologies will surely assist us in making a global paradigm shift which will help restore Eden to Earth.