Science Mysteries Science History


Primary Perception
Complete Hypnotism : Mesmerism, Mind Reading and Spiritualism
Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored
Flatland - A romance of many dimensions
KYBALION : Study of Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece
Aryan Origin Of The Alphabet

Science History


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Monism As Connecting Religion and Science
Catalog #: SKU4042

That we may rightly appreciate what this Monism is, let us now, from a philosophico-historical point of view cast a comprehensive glance over the development in time of man's knowledge of nature.

Catalog #: SKU3988

An eloquent plea from a scientist and Christian, to the Christan arena of wolves (preachers), claiming that science can only prove God... not erase Him.

Black Arts in Medicine
Catalog #: SKU3983

Research into how modern medicine's roots were in the Black Arts and astrology. (Maybe they still are?)

Radio Amateur's Hand Book
Catalog #: SKU3917

For those boys that now wear men's clothing, a fond look back at our electronic hobbies: crystal radios, tube radios, radio transmitting, ham radio, etc.

My Airships
Catalog #: SKU3885

From the way in which the partisans of Nature have fallen on me I might well be the uninformed and visionary Luis of the fable, for has it not been taken for granted that I began my experiments ignorant alike of mechanics and ballooning? And before my experiments succeeded, were they not all called impossible?

Catalog #: SKU3881

THERE are some, King Gelon, who think that the number of the sand is infinite in multitude; and I mean by the sand not only that which exists about Syracuse and the rest of Sicily but also that which is found in every region whether inhabited or uninhabited.

Catalog #: SKU3876

The large Zeppelin Airship supplies the demand for a much faster, more luxurious, more comfortable and more safe long distance transportation. It is not restricted by the geographical limitations of the railway and the steamship. A Zeppelin can go anywhere, in fact the cruising radius of a Zeppelin is only limited by the size of the ship and the amount of fuel it can carry.

Thunder and Lightning
Catalog #: SKU3861

It would be an interesting thing to make a careful study once a year, towards the end of the summer, of the habits and customs of thunder and lightning. Perhaps in this way we should succeed one day in determining the still mysterious nature of these elusive forces. I, for my part, have been engaged upon the task for many years past.

Master Key
Catalog #: SKU3817

The impossibilities of yesterday become the accepted facts of to-day. Here is a fairy tale founded upon the wonders of electricity and written for children of this generation. Yet when my readers shall have become men and women my story may not seem to their children like a fairy tale at all.

Energy System of Matter
Catalog #: SKU3803

Day by day it becomes more evident that not one of the many existing theories is adequate to the explanation of the known phenomena: but, in spite of this obvious fact, attempts are still constantly being made, even by most eminent men, to rule the results of experimental science into line with this or that accepted theory.

Science and Hebrew Tradition
Catalog #: SKU3759

FOR more than a thousand years, the great majority of the most highly civilised and instructed nations in the world have confidently believed and passionately maintained that certain writings, which they entitle sacred, occupy a unique position in literature, in that they possess an authority, different in kind, and immeasurably superior in weight, to that of all other books.

Science and Christian Tradition
Catalog #: SKU3758

Those who are of opinion that the historical realities at the root of Christianity, lie beyond the jurisdiction of science, need not be considered. Those who are convinced that the evidence is, and must always remain, insufficient to support any definite conclusion, are justified in ignoring the subject. They must be content to put up with that reproach of being mere destroyers...

Aircraft and Submarines
Catalog #: SKU3740

A Blast From the Past, with images of air and water craft this generation has seldom or never seen! Not since gunpowder was first employed in warfare has so revolutionary a contribution to the science of slaughtering men been made as by the perfection of aircraft and submarines. The former have had their first employment in this world-wide war of the nations.

Work of Saturn, A
Catalog #: SKU3738

Opuscula Alchimica, De Lapide Philosophorum, A Work of Saturn, The Hand of the Philosophers: The Art of Alchemy consists in three things, that is, in our Stone. That is, the free art of the ancients and their successors who are to discover this free art through Science or Practice; or to whomever the Holy Ghost gives it, or upon who He confers it through His illumination; and blessed is he who possesses this free art and applies it wisely for the honor of God and the pressing need of his fellow man.

New Pearl of Great Price, The
Catalog #: SKU3725

"The Pearl of Great Price," as written by Bonus of Ferrara, and edited by Janus Lacinius. In the first place, it is one of the earliest works printed on alchemy, and the original is a very beautiful specimen of typography. Concerning the latter point, it is only necessary to say that it was issued from the press of Aldus, appearing in 1546.

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