Science Mysteries Science History


Primary Perception
Complete Hypnotism : Mesmerism, Mind Reading and Spiritualism
Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored
Flatland - A romance of many dimensions
KYBALION : Study of Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece
Aryan Origin Of The Alphabet

Science History


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Persia : Past and Present
Catalog #: SKU2458

Persia is the land of mystery, and the source of modern civilization. It preserved knowledge through the Christian dark ages, and that knowledge preserved was used to catapult civilization into the industrial ages.

Pocket Book of Refrigeration & Ice Making
Catalog #: SKU2459

Excellent book and reference for those considering developing the compressor-less air conditioning and refrigeration used in the days before electricity was available throughout the nation.

Power Alcohol
Catalog #: SKU2460

Written in 1922, the author predicted the supply and costs of gas and other petroleum products was not to be infinite. He advocated and taught that we should be using alcohol to preserve and have substitutes available. Great reference work for those considering making their own alcohol based fuels.

Practical Ice Making and Refrigeration
Catalog #: SKU2463

For those enthusiasts that really want to reduce their carbon footprint, compressor-less ammonia air conditioning may be the key. Ice making houses existed BEFORE electricity and electric refrigerators. These old reprints give the practical applications that make it work.

Secret Nostrums - A Book of Formulas
Catalog #: SKU2468

Ever wonder what your grandparents and great-grandparents used to stay healthy, cure diseases, and get relief from pains? This book gives the recipes of the medicines that they used.

Book of Mars, The
Catalog #: SKU2518

Mars, the planet of mystery, and the planet of hope for a future for the human race in this solar system. This book is a history of the study of Mars and a scientific look at Mars' possibilities and difficulties.

Hydrogen Craft and Hot Air Balloons
Catalog #: SKU2557

Hydrogen, possibly the hope for earth's human civilization's insatiable thirst for energy. Hydrogen for fuel and for lift, this book is a series of US Military documents on hydrogen craft and balloons.

Search for the Universal Ancestors
Catalog #: SKU2560

Man's eternal search for his beginnings. Modern space flight continues the journey for truth.

A-Stars, The
Catalog #: SKU2561

The A-Stars, a group of a certain type of stars that have excited scientists and that have revised old theories about extrastellar space.

Beyond the Ionosphere
Catalog #: SKU2562

Satellite communications have not only revolutionized the way we communicate on earth, the idea was developed by space scientists as the method to communicate with astronauts. Now, we will communicate with other worlds?

Evolution of the Solar System
Catalog #: SKU2563

How did the solar system come about? How did earth get positioned perfectly to support life as we know it? How did the moon become it's perfecting satellite?

Exobiology in Earth Orbit
Catalog #: SKU2564

The search for life beyond earth is one of NASA's projects... life, outside our planet, even in its most rudimentary form, would put mankind on a new venture to knowledge of our possible origins. In theological thought, it is the search for God.

Exploring the Living Universe
Catalog #: SKU2565

Planting man on another planet, colonizing Mars or Venus, expanding man's outreach to the farthest parts of the galaxy... Mankind is beginning to explore for places to land its ships... the 21st century Lewis and Clark expedition is closer than you would think.

Next Generation Space Telescope
Catalog #: SKU2566

The Hubble space telescope brought a lot more to earth than ever imagined possible. What will the newer space telescopes be able to accomplish?

Spaceflight Revolution
Catalog #: SKU2567

Spacecraft and spaceflight has changed the way man thinks about his home planet and place in the universe. We are the microcosm, not the macrocosm of the universe, regardless of what the Vatican imposed on the people during its Christian Dark Ages. Learn the history of how spaceflight has evolved in just a few decades.

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