Science Mysteries Science History


Primary Perception
Complete Hypnotism : Mesmerism, Mind Reading and Spiritualism
Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored
Flatland - A romance of many dimensions
KYBALION : Study of Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece
Aryan Origin Of The Alphabet

Science History


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Catalog #: SKU0973

A valuable research effort from 1874. Had the people of earth heeded it's revelations would our planet be ailing from human destruction today? George P. Marsh offers an object, fair, and balanced look at how mankind is destroying the planet and how man has benefitted the planet. Nearly 500 pages and heavily documented with over 640 footnotes. This is one of the early books published on 'greening' the earth and making our planet sustainable. An environmentalist's resource!

Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla (Expanded Edition)
Catalog #: SKU2243

Discredited in his time, Nikola Tesla was made by business competitors and the government to be nothing more than a kook. However, these same conspirators later duplicated and stole many of Tesla's most fabulous inventions which could soon change the course of history.

Perpetual Motion
Catalog #: SKU2407

The History of the Efforts to Attain a Self-Motive Mechanism : Perpetual energy: Inventors, scientist, tinkerers have for generations attempted to conquer the laws of physics.. the law of diminishing returns.. seeking the utopian energy device so needed by mankind and his civilizations. Someday, perhaps one just might?

Treasury of Ancient Egypt
Catalog #: SKU0980

The resident official, travelling from place to place, spends a great deal of time seated in railway stations or on the banks of the Nile, waiting for his train or his boat to arrive; and he has, therefore, a great deal of time for thinking. I often try to fill in these dreary periods by jotting down a few notes on some matter which has recently been discussed, or registering and elaborating arguments which have chanced lately to come into the thoughts. These notes are shaped and "written up" when next there is a spare hour, and a few books to refer to; and ultimately they take the form of articles or papers, some of which find their way into print.

Universe,The : A Vast Electric Organism
Catalog #: SKU3532

This volume is intended to further elucidate my theories of electrical creation, to cover some points lightly touched upon in my previous books; also to bring forward to date the most recent scientific facts and discoveries tending to show that the universe is a vast electric machine or organism.

FBI Files On Nikola Tesla
Catalog #: SKU2228

Why would the FBI be tracking and investigating Nikola Tesla? National security, or national secrets, or were his inventions considered as national treasures and importance?

Indo Sumerian Seals Deciphered (Large Print Edition)
Catalog #: SKU2001

The author's expertise and knowledge of the Sumerian language helped to hasten the early decoding of the Indus Valley seals.

Polyphase Electric Currents
Catalog #: SKU2210

Detailed information in the use and application of polyphase currents. Valuable information to be able understand these laws of science in the event of a disaster.

Project Cyclops
Catalog #: SKU2572

"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." Matthew 6:22 - Scientists have take their electronic single eyes and begun hunting for life beyond our planet.

Response in the Living and Non-Living
Catalog #: SKU1473

One of the most striking effects of external disturbance on certain types of living substance is a visible change of form. Thus, a piece of muscle when pinched contracts. The external disturbance which produced this change is called the stimulus. The body which is thus capable of responding is said to be irritable or excitable. A stimulus thus produces a state of excitability which may sometimes be expressed by change of form.

Secret Nostrums - A Book of Formulas
Catalog #: SKU2468

Ever wonder what your grandparents and great-grandparents used to stay healthy, cure diseases, and get relief from pains? This book gives the recipes of the medicines that they used.

A-Stars, The
Catalog #: SKU2561

The A-Stars, a group of a certain type of stars that have excited scientists and that have revised old theories about extrastellar space.

Nikola Tesla: Free Energy and The White Dove
Catalog #: SKU3556

Together we will discover much that is being kept secret from us, not for our own protection like some might claim, but because our lives would be better and easier if the truth about anti-gravity and UFOs were made known.

Our Alien Planet
Catalog #: SKU1557

Even the most diehard believer in the notion that UFOs are interplanetary spacecraft and nothing else will have to admit that by now the odds are stacked against this theory. For more than fifty years, since the dawn of the modem era of "flying saucer" sightings, millions of strange, luminous "things" have been buzzing about as well as being chased and interacted with on all levels all over the globe.

Ancient Earth Mysteries : Future Technology from the Past
Catalog #: SKU0865

It has been reported that Saddam Hussein believes himself to be the reincarnation of King Nebuchadnezzar, the babylonian monarch that tried to contact the prehistoric gods.

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