Science Mysteries Science History


Primary Perception
Complete Hypnotism : Mesmerism, Mind Reading and Spiritualism
Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored
Flatland - A romance of many dimensions
KYBALION : Study of Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece
Aryan Origin Of The Alphabet

Science History


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Paracelsus and the Substance of His Teachings
Catalog #: SKU3124

The author studies the importance of the contributions of Paraselsus to health and medicine. Paracelsus was a chemist, Christian mystic, writer, physician, and more, whose work transformed the world of medicine.

Rosetta Stone
Catalog #: SKU3125

This Edition is a collection of both published works (1893 & 1922) on the Rosetta Stone by E. A. Wallis Budge. Most of this book is in large print with a 14 point font. It includes a translation of the hieroglyphic text of the decree of the Priests of Memphis, as found on the Rosetta Stone and on the Stele of Damanhur. The decree was promulgated in the 9th year of the reign of Ptolemy v. Epiphanes.

Earths In Our Solar System
Catalog #: SKU3181

Inasmuch as, by the Divine mercy of the Lord, the interiors which are of my spirit have been opened in me, and it has thereby been given me to speak with spirits and angels, not only with those who are near our Earth, but also with those who are near other earths; and since I had an ardent desire to know whether there were other earths, and to know their character and the character of their inhabitants; it has been granted me by the Lord to speak and have intercourse with spirits and angels who are from other earths, with some for a day, with some for a week, with some for months; and to be instructed by them respecting the earths from and near which they were, and concerning the life, customs, and worship of their inhabitants, besides various other things there that are worthy of note. Large print 15 point font.

Science and Nature of Alchemy, The
Catalog #: SKU3227

YOU who are skilled in Alchemy, and as many others as promise yourselves great riches or chiefly desire to make gold and silver, which Alchemy in different ways promises and teaches; equally, too, you who willingly undergo toil and vexations, and wish not to be freed from them, until you have attained your rewards, and the fulfilment of the promises made to you; experience teaches this every day, that out of thousands of you not even one accomplishes his desire. Is this a failure of Nature or of Art? I say, no; but it is rather the fault of fate, or of the unskilfulness of the operator.

Stonehenge of Oxfordshire and Rollright Stones- 2 books in 1
Catalog #: SKU3231

History and Legends With accounts of the Ancient Druids and Sagas.

Revolutions of Time
Catalog #: SKU3238

The manuscript for this book was found in a weather-beaten stone box on an island in the Pacific Ocean. Its contents were written in an ancient form of Latin, which was translated and edited by Jonathan Dunn. -- Large Print 15 point font.

Romance of the Moon
Catalog #: SKU3256

If there be a peculiar fascination about the earlier chapters of any branch of history, how great must be the interest which attaches to that most primeval of all terrestrial histories which relates to the actual beginnings of this globe on which we stand.

Story of the Heavens
Catalog #: SKU3257

"The Story of the Heavens" is the title of our book. We have indeed a wondrous story to narrate; and could we tell it adequately it would prove of boundless interest and of exquisite beauty. It leads to the contemplation of grand phenomena in nature and great achievements of human genius.

Evolution and Christianity
Catalog #: SKU3357

The author investigates the difference of theory between religion and science. Perhaps they are one and the same story?

Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Areolus Phillippus Theophrastus Bombast
Catalog #: SKU3378

Hermeticism or the Western Hermetic Tradition is a set of philosophical and religious beliefs based primarily upon the Hellenistic Egyptian pseudepigraphical writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus who is the representation of the conflation of the Egyptian god Thoth with the Greek Hermes.

Voltaire's Romances
Catalog #: SKU3463

I choose that a story should be founded on probability, and not always resemble a dream. I desire to find nothing in it trivial or extravagant; and I desire above all, that under the appearance of fable there may appear some latent truth, obvious to the discerning eye, though it escape the observation of the vulgar.

Voltaire's Romances (Kindle Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3464

I choose that a story should be founded on probability, and not always resemble a dream. I desire to find nothing in it trivial or extravagant; and I desire above all, that under the appearance of fable there may appear some latent truth, obvious to the discerning eye, though it escape the observation of the vulgar.

Voltaire's Romances (MobiPocket Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3465

I choose that a story should be founded on probability, and not always resemble a dream. I desire to find nothing in it trivial or extravagant; and I desire above all, that under the appearance of fable there may appear some latent truth, obvious to the discerning eye, though it escape the observation of the vulgar.

Babylonian-Assyrian Birth-Omens
Catalog #: SKU3505

The history of monsters forms an interesting division in the annals of mankind, and I should like in conclusion to call attention to the persistency of this belief down to the threshhold almost of our own days. Among the Romans up to the latest period the old law of either burning the monsters or of throwing them into the sea was generally carried out.

Universe,The : A Vast Electric Organism
Catalog #: SKU3532

This volume is intended to further elucidate my theories of electrical creation, to cover some points lightly touched upon in my previous books; also to bring forward to date the most recent scientific facts and discoveries tending to show that the universe is a vast electric machine or organism.

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