Spirituality-Religions Sacred Texts


Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Bible Spells
Sealed Magical Book of Moses

Sacred Texts


Hieroglyphic Bible & The New Hieroglyphic Bible
Catalog #: SKU3051

Two Hieroglyph Bibles in one book, 800 illustrations. Facsimile reprints from an 1870 edition and a 1794 edition. While meant for children, this book has a lot of Christian symbols and icons.

Hindu Astronomy - Surya Siddhanta
Catalog #: SKU2387

A translation of the astronomy book of the Ancient Hindus, the Surya Siddhanta. Amazing how much MORE they knew about the math, movement of the stars, the heavens, than people do today.

Lord's Lay: Bhagavad-Gita
Catalog #: SKU4090

A new translation along with an exhaustive explanation of the Bhagavad Gita,with notes, and comparisons to the Bible.

Lord's Song: Bhagavad-Gita
Catalog #: SKU4083

The great mystic and theosophist translates the Bhagavad Gita, with definitive and explanatory footnotes.

Secrets From The Lost Bible
Catalog #: SKU1503

With the phenomenon of The Da Vinci Code and growing interest in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Kabbalah, Gnostic Gospels, and the Nag Hammadi library, popular curiosity about non-canonical scriptures is at an all-time high. The contents of all these re-discovered documents are, in most cases, obscure to modern readers.

Vedas, The
Catalog #: SKU0803

The holy book of the Hindus. This is one of the oldest and most important of the world's holy books. It is primarily composed of hymns, poems, incantations and rituals from ancient India. Not only is this the

Funereal Ritual or Book of the Dead
Catalog #: SKU3848

THE work consists of a group of Hermetic books, which have been called the Funereal Ritual, or Book of the Dead. It is not, indeed, strictly a Ritual in the more extended sense of that term, but consists of several Hermetic works divided into separate chapters, each preceded by a title indicating its purport, and each principal section followed by directions explaining its use.

Old Babylonian Version of the Gilgamesh Epic
Catalog #: SKU3784

The Gilgamesh Epic is the most notable literary product of Babylonia as yet discovered in the mounds of Mesopotamia. It recounts the exploits and adventures of a favorite hero, and in its final form covers twelve tablets, each tablet consisting of six columns (three on the obverse and three on the reverse) of about 50 lines for each column, or a total of about 3600 lines.

Sibylline Oracles
Catalog #: SKU0856

THE Sibyls occupy a conspicuous place in the traditions and history of ancient Greece and Rome. Their fame was spread abroad long before the beginning of the Christian era. Heraclitus of Ephesus, five centuries before Christ, compared himself to the Sibyl "who, speaking with inspired mouth, without a smile, without ornament, and without perfume, penetrates through centuries by the power of the gods."

Babylonian Influence on the Bible and Other Popular Beliefs
Catalog #: SKU2821

Discover how much of your faith, your Christian or Jewish religion originated from the religion of Babylon.

Babylonian Story of the Deluge, The
Catalog #: SKU2596

Its easy to compare the parallels and the differences between the Assyrian (also called Chaldean and Babylonian) version of the great flood to the biblical tale, with E.A. Wallis Budge. Read the story of Gilgamesh (the Assyrian Noah, and the tale of the deluge, including brief histories of the discoveries of the tablets.

Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan
Catalog #: SKU3945

Censored by the Catholic and Protestant churches, this book was widely accepted by the Eastern Orthodox church for centuries.

Feminine Books of the Bible
Catalog #: SKU1269

The Feminine Aspect of the Scriptures was removed from the Protestant Bible in 1826 : Larger Print! Judith - Susanna - Esther - These books were removed or altered. The heroines and female leaders hidden from teachings to Christians. Part of the Apocrypha removed from Protestant Bibles in 1826.

Songs of the Master: Bhavagad Gita (Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU4112

A good translation of the Bhagavad Gita, with its history, and explanations of its meanings.

Vatican Gospel of John
Catalog #: SKU2442

Translated Verbatim from the Vatican Manuscripts - A rare translation of the Gospel of John from the original manuscripts maintained at the Library in the Vatican.
