Spirituality-Religions Sacred Texts


Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Bible Spells
Sealed Magical Book of Moses

Sacred Texts


Genesis A & B
Catalog #: SKU1433

1828 Translation of the Old Saxon version of the Book of Genesis. This edition includes translations of both the Genesis A and Genesis B manuscripts.

Woman's Bible. The
Catalog #: SKU1437

The object is to revise only those texts and chapters directly referring to women, and those also in which women are made prominent by exclusion. As all such passages combined form but one-tenth of the Scriptures, the undertaking will not be so laborious as, at the first thought, one would imagine. These texts, with the commentaries, can easily be compressed into a duodecimo volume of about four hundred pages.

Sepher Ha-Zohar : Book of Light
Catalog #: SKU1440

The ancient Jews were not different from other nations in having occult schools and institutions in which secret doctrines were inculcated and imparted to neophytes, or the sons of the prophets, as they are termed in the Bible.

Three Additions to Daniel
Catalog #: SKU1456

The three apocryphal portions of Daniel considered in this book have often been hardly judged. One of them had almost become a byword of contempt for fabulous inventiveness. Yet the writer hopes that he has succeeded in shewing that they are worthy of more serious attention than they have frequently received. The prejudice long existing in this country against the Apocrypha as a whole has told heavily against two at any rate of these booklets; and he who attempts to investigate the nature and origin of the Additions to Daniel finds himself following a track which is anything but well beaten.

Diamonds from the Dung Heap
Catalog #: SKU1458

We hear from ignorant clergy, peddling their ignorance and thier mythologies, about our Famous CHRISTIAN Founding Fathers. Thomas Jefferson is one that is always included in their rhetoric of lies and ignorance. TGS brings you this compilation of Jefferson's philosophies and his 'named by ignorance' the Jefferson Bible. The text of the diamonds is presented twice, once in a scripted font and once in a plain easier to read font.

Catalog #: SKU1465

The names of the deities that were born in the Plain of High Heaven when the Heaven and Earth began were the deity Master-of-the-August-Center-of-Heaven; next, the High-August-Producing-Wondrous deity; next, the Divine-Producing-Wondrous deity. These three deities were all deities born alone, and hid their persons. The creation story from a Japanese religion. Note the parallels to other popular creation mythologies.

Gospels in the Second Century
Catalog #: SKU1479

Ideally speaking, Apologetics ought to have no existence distinct from the general and unanimous search for truth, and in so far as they tend to put any other consideration, no matter how high or pure in itself, in the place of truth, they must needs stand aside from the path of science.

Epistles of Ignatius
Catalog #: SKU1489

Ignatius, who also called himself Theophorus ("bearer of God"), was most likely a disciple of both Apostles Peter and John. Ignatius is generally considered to be one of the Apostolic Fathers (the earliest authoritative group of the Church Fathers) and a saint by both the Roman Catholics, who celebrate his feast day on October 17, and the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic churches, who celebrate his feast day on December 20. Ignatius based his authority on living his life in imitation of Christ.

Gospel of the Holy Twelve
Catalog #: SKU1490

In 1881, an Irish clergyman, Rev. G. J. Ouseley, claimed to have discovered the Original Gospel from which the present Four Gospels were derived. He claimed this original gospel "was hidden by some of the Essene Community for safety from the hands of the corrupters, and is now for the first time translated from the Aramaic."

Unknown Life of Christ
Catalog #: SKU1494

Ancient scrolls reveal that Jesus spent seventeen years in India and Tibet From age thirteen to age twenty-nine, he was both a student and teacher of Buddhist and Hindu holy men. The story of his journey from Jerusalem to Benares was recorded by Brahman historians. Today they still know him and love him as St. Issa. Their 'buddha'

New Bible Code
Catalog #: SKU1502

Two opposing views of the nature of our universe compete daily for our attention. The first, generally known as materialism, holds that the cosmos and everything it contains is essentially lifeless, mechanistic, dominated by chance, comprehensible in terms of simple causes and without meaning or purpose. It is promoted by some influential figures within the scientific establishment.

Secrets From The Lost Bible
Catalog #: SKU1503

With the phenomenon of The Da Vinci Code and growing interest in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Kabbalah, Gnostic Gospels, and the Nag Hammadi library, popular curiosity about non-canonical scriptures is at an all-time high. The contents of all these re-discovered documents are, in most cases, obscure to modern readers.

Sealed Magical Book of Moses
Catalog #: SKU1526

Of all the prophets, Moses remains the most highly regarded. It is said that the Magical Art of Moses originally was told to select angels, who then taught this wisdom to humankind as a means for the human race to attain perfection.

Bible Spells
Catalog #: SKU1581

The idea behind Bible Magick is simple; all verses in the Bible are charged with spiritual energies. This power of creation is called "LOGOS," meaning "WORD." It is thought that God the Creator used the LOGOS to initiate creation. The Universe and everything within it are divine words that have solidified. You can imagine that they were once dissolved in the sound vibrations of the divine cosmic word. Each thing we see is a divine word become solid.

Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Catalog #: SKU1701

I, Thoth, the Atlantean, master of mysteries, keeper of records, mighty king, magician, living from generation to generation, being about to pass into the Halls of Amenti, set down for the guidance of those that are to come after, these records of the mighty wisdom of Great Atlantis.
