
Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Riddle of Life
Catalog #: SKU4080

The great mystic Annie Besant teaches about man, his bodies, and his relation to the universe.

Right and Wrong Uses of the Bible
Catalog #: SKU3829

The Bible, and the reading of the Bible as an instrument of instruction, may be said to have been begun on the sunrise of that day when Ezra unrolled the parchment scroll of the Law. It was a new thought that the Divine Will could be communicated by a dead literature as well as by a living voice.

Ritual and Belief
Catalog #: SKU2633

How does religious ritual affect religious belief? Are the two intertwined or separate functions in religious practices? This study researches these questions and much more.

Royal Book of Dreams, The
Catalog #: SKU2853

This book from 1830 was credited to 'The Astrologer of the 19th Century', Raphael. It is a very interesting esoteric book containing more than simple astrology and dream interpretation.

Ruysbroeck Collection: A Christian Mystic
Catalog #: SKU3837

A collection of works translated into English from one of the rare Christian mystics whose manuscripts have survived the centuries. Those criticized for his lack of 'education' by theologians of his time and theologians of modern times, his works continue to transcend the mediocrity of religion and theology. Besides, when did the Master choose the 'educated scholar' as one of his disciples?

Sacred Book of Death
Catalog #: SKU2466

An eye opener into a topic seldom discussed in public... DEATH. Yet it holds its impending presence over us from birth.

Sacred Chants of the Navajo : Mountain Chant: A Navajo Ceremony
Catalog #: SKU1812

The First Americans used chants and dances for prophecy, medicine, make changes to the weather, and calls to the gods or prayers, similar to the methods used in Buddhism and Hinduism. Yet little in depth study has been accomplished on the First American practices, as has been done in the Asian religions.

Sacred History of the Deluge
Catalog #: SKU2418

A complete 1836 study into the Biblical flood.. its reality, factualness, and its evidences. Corroborated by Tradition, Mytholgy, and Geology

Sacred Lay: Bhagavad-Gita
Catalog #: SKU4086

The Bhagavad Gita translated with exhaustive notes and a copious introduction, to aid the reader in understanding the culture, meaning, and storylines.

Sacred Mysteries Among the Mayas and Quiches 11,500 Years Ago
Catalog #: SKU2741

This author takes the history and origin of Freemasonry back thousands of years before Hebrew King Solomon and Hiram Abiff.

Sadhana : The Realisation of Life
Catalog #: SKU1423

Perhaps it is well for me to explain that the subject-matter of the papers published in this book has not been philosophically treated, nor has it been approached from the scholar's point of view. The writer has been brought up in a family where texts of the Upanishads are used in daily worship; and he has had before him the example of his father, who lived his long life in the closest communion with God, while not neglecting his duties to the world, or allowing his keen interest in all human affairs to suffer any abatement.

Saints or Sinners? Which?
Catalog #: SKU1105

SAINTS and sinners are not two selected from the numerous classes to be met with in the world, with which in every-day life we come in contact. They comprise the entire population of the globe. This is the one broad and essential division which includes all mankind. There are black races and white ones; but, then, there are also the intermediate red, olive, and dusky. There are tall men and short ones, heavy men and light ones; but not to the exclusion of those of middle height or weight, which stand somewhere between the two.

Salem Village Witchcraft Trials, The
Catalog #: SKU2635

A short history of the Salem Witch trials.

Salem Witchcraft
Catalog #: SKU1492

Our ancestors have been visited with unmeasured reproach for their conduct on the occasion. Sad, indeed, was the delusion that came over them, and shocking the extent to which their bewildered imaginations and excited passions hurried and drove them on. Still, however, many considerations deserve to be well weighed before sentence is passed upon them.

Salem Witchcraft : More Wonders of the Invisible World
Catalog #: SKU2634

A look at the witchcraft and its adherents in Salem, Massachusetts, that led to the infamous witch trials and burning at the stake, in the name of religion and god.
