Historical Reprints
"This book is the record, condensed, of the excursions of 'Betty,' a psychic intimately known to me and of absolute integrity, into the world of 'other-consciousness' and of communications received by her from forces which I have ventured to call 'the invisibles'.
The Polynesians are the tall brown race of men who inhabit the widely scattered islands of the Pacific, from Hawaii on the north to New Zealand on the south, and from Tonga on the west to Easter Island on the east. Down to the eighteenth century they remained practically unknown to Europe; the first navigator to bring back comparatively full and accurate information concerning them was our great English explorer, Captain James Cook.
The subject of these lectures is a branch of natural theology. By natural theology I understand that reasoned knowledge of a God or gods which man may be supposed, whether rightly or wrongly, capable of attaining to by the exercise of his natural faculties alone. Thus defined, the subject may be treated in at least three different ways, namely, dogmatically, philosophically, and historically. We may simply state the dogmas of natural theology which appear to us to be true: that is the dogmatic method.
Was Bel the original sacrificial savior or the prototype that Rome fashioned the church after?
A rare, short study of the Biblical apocryphal story of Daniel and the god Bel, and Daniel slaying a dragon.
Must religion and morals go together? Can one be taught without the other? It is a practical question for educationists, and France tried to answer it in the dreariest little cut and dry kind of catechism ever given to boys to make them long to be wicked. But apart from education, the question of the bedrock on which morals rest, the foundation on which a moral edifice can be built that will stand secure against the storms of life-that is a question of perennial interest, and it must be answered by each of us, if we would have a test of Right and Wrong, would know why Right is Right, why Wrong is Wrong.
The baked clay tablets and portions of tablets which describe the views and beliefs of the Babylonians and Assyrians about the Creation were discovered by Mr. (later Sir) A.H. Layard, Mormuzd Rassam and George Smith, Assistant in the Department of Oriental Antiquities in the British Museum. Told by Assyrian Tablets From Nineveh
Discover how much of your faith, your Christian or Jewish religion originated from the religion of Babylon.
The great nation which dwelt in the seventh century before our era on the banks of Tigris and Euphrates flourished in literature as well as in the plastic arts, and had an alphabet of its own. The Assyrians sometimes wrote with a sharp reed, for a pen, upon skins, wooden tablets, or papyrus brought from Egypt. In this case they used cursive letters of a Phoenician character.
The expose of the Catholic Convents and their torture and pervertedness was the headline of the day in the 1830s. An anti-Catholic movement was underway politically, and Monk's work lit a fire for the movement.
How much influence did the Persian and Babylonian religions have on Judaism and its writers?
Originally in 3 Volumes- Now Published in One Book- The Persians (Parsee) were once the cradle of known civilization. Their religions influenced all of today's religions. Sometimes these ancient scriptures would find their way into religious writings and scriptures of other religions.
THE books of this author, that are already published, declare sufficiently the high worth of his deep writings: But of all the benefits that do accrue thereby it is one inestimable excellency of them that they help the minds of all sorts of people, that will take pains to read and consider them, in the understanding of the holy Scriptures: and that satisfactorily and convincingly, without need of any reference to the vast commentaries of authors, either in the learned or modern tongues.
Lord Lytton is famous for his book "The Coming Race" that included his vision for an energy called 'VRIL power.' The Third Reich was evidently quite aware of Lytton's visions and theories, as they named some of their experimental craft "VRIL". Many other of Lord Lytton's books are merely dismissed as literature or fiction. However, Lord Lytton's non-fiction history of Athens is one of the few exhaustive works on this city of mysteries, Athens, Greece.
THE little work, whose original title-page I reproduce exactly as printed in the middle of the seventeenth century, fairly deserves a place in hermeneutic, and therefore hermetic, literature.