
Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Christian Mysticism
Catalog #: SKU2819

There is undeniably a mystic side of Christianity once you throw off the chains of closed minded fundamentalism.

Christian Mystery
Catalog #: SKU3770

Common sense questions about Christianity from the Chinese to the missionaries.

Christian Documents in Syriac, Arabic, and Garshuni
Catalog #: SKU2793

A rare look and study into little known Christian manuscripts outside of the 'established' Greek and Latin.

Christian Doctrine Of Hell
Catalog #: SKU3595

If there is a hell, that is the most important fact in the universe. Compared with an eternity of torment, all that this little life has to offer is but as nothing. 2 books in one volume! Essays On Phallic Worship and the Christian Doctrine of Hell

Christ's Mission to the Underworld
Catalog #: SKU2402

He set the captives free... often stated in churches, but the theory of Christ's mission to the underworld (hell) is not in the Bible. Where did it come from? Why did the early Christians believe this?

Christ of Paul
Catalog #: SKU3635

Let the reader imagine that he is in Jerusalem, in Judea, about the year A.D. 34. There is unusual tumult in the vicinity of the Temple. A large crowd has gathered, and, stirred up by some strong provocation, is swayed like the billows in a storm. As we approach, we see a young man, who is trying to raise his voice above the din. There is something very striking in his looks. He is pale, but firm. His eyes gleam with an unearthly light. As the crowd surges and threatens, he is calm. His thoughts and looks are directed more to Heaven than Earth.

Character of the Jew Books and Character of a Priest
Catalog #: SKU3769

Justice is due to all men; it is a gem that sheds a brilliant radiance upon the tyrant and the slave, upon the rich and the poor; Justice is in the moral world what the sun is in the physical, one illuminates the intellectual, the other the terrestrial system.

Challenging a God
Catalog #: SKU2190

This author confronts Christianity's basis and its hypocrites, in view of its involvment in the Great War.

Chaldean Account of Genesis, The
Catalog #: SKU2329

The Creation, The Fall of Man, The Deluge, Tower of Babel, Patriarchs, and Nimrod : Very interesting to read the same or similar stories that are in the Bible, from another race, culture, and civilization, other than the Hebrews.

Celtic Religion In Pre-Christian Times
Catalog #: SKU3177

It is only as prehistoric archaeology has come to throw more and more light on the early civilisations of Celtic lands that it has become possible to interpret Celtic religion from a thoroughly modern viewpoint. The author cordially acknowledges his indebtedness to numerous writers on this subject, but his researches into some portions of the field especially have suggested to him the possibility of giving a new presentation to certain facts and groups of facts, which the existing evidence disclosed. It is to be hoped that a new interest in the religion of the Celts may thereby be aroused. Large print 17 point font.

Celsus, Porphyry, and Emperor Julian Against the Christians
Catalog #: SKU3747

THE Christians are accustomed to have private assemblies, which are forbidden by the law. For of assemblies some are public, and these are conformable to the law of the land; but others are secret, and these are such as are hostile to the laws; among which are the Love Feasts of the Christians

Cell of Self-Knowledge - Seven Early English Mystical Treatises
Catalog #: SKU3024

The seven tracts or treatises before us were published in 1521 in a little quarto volume: "Imprynted at London in Poules chyrchyarde at the sygne of the Trynyte, by Henry Pepwell. In the yere of our lorde God, M.CCCCC.XXI., the xvi. daye of Nouembre."

Celestial Telegraph Vol. 2
Catalog #: SKU1488

The object of this work is not a desire to create or annihilate such or such a system to favor any particular religion or creed, more or less prominent in our age; its sole object is to commune with men who, like me, seek the truth with all the strength of their soul, Pursue the track wherein I believe it to be, and you will find it. Be prudent; admit, reject nlaught without mature examination, and what you do not comprehend never proclaim to be impossible!

Celestial Telegraph Vol. 1
Catalog #: SKU1487

The object of this work is not a desire to create or annihilate such or such a system to favor any particular religion or creed, more or less prominent in our age; its sole object is to commune with men who, like me, seek the truth with all the strength of their soul, Pursue the track wherein I believe it to be, and you will find it. Be prudent; admit, reject nlaught without mature examination, and what you do not comprehend never proclaim to be impossible!

Celestial Telegraph (Vol. 1 & 2 Set)
Catalog #: SKU1497

The object of this work is not a desire to create or annihilate such or such a system to favor any particular religion or creed, more or less prominent in our age; its sole object is to commune with men who, like me, seek the truth with all the strength of their soul, Pursue the track wherein I believe it to be, and you will find it. Be prudent; admit, reject nlaught without mature examination, and what you do not comprehend never proclaim to be impossible!
