Historical Reprints
Almost everything in Christianity seems to have been an afterthought. It is the least original of any of the ten great religions of the world, and the great mistake has been in making almost everything literal which the wise men of ancient times regarded as allegorical. This comes from the priestly attempt to identify the Jewish Jesus with the Oriental Christ Tradition is, in fact, the main foundation of the Christian scheme, and cunning sacerdotalists have done by artifice what history, in fact, has failed to do. But for its moral precepts and its "enthusiasm of humanity," Christianity would not survive for a single century.
A quick look at the rites and practices of the Eleusinian religion.
While we call these ancient cults and myths, these beliefs were just as real, just as fact, just as truth as Christianity or Islam is to their adherents today.
To comprehend the significance of great world changes, before Time has fully done his work, is difficult. While mighty events are still in their formative period the future is obscure. But our inability to outline the future cannot blind us to the unmistakable trend of the evolutionary forces at work. One thing that is clear is that our boasted Christian civilization is the theater in which has been staged the most un-Christian war of recorded history and in which human atrocity has reached a point that leaves us vaguely groping for a rational explanation of it.
Egypt is unique in its place in history, for that land and people, has had the stamp of every major religion upon its culture. This book explores some of those influences, whether they originated in Egypt, were forced on Egypt, or were brought in by other cultures and missionaries. Examining this book objectively it is not hard to see that the Jesus of the Christians played out the fulfillment of the ancient Egyptian religions and prophecies.
In this volume the myths and legends of ancient Egypt are embraced in a historical narrative which begins with the rise of the great Nilotic civilization and ends with the Gr
The Ancient Egyptians not only had one of the most elaborate funeral rituals, that continues to fascinate scientists and archeologists, but they also had the most imaginative and exotic - dreams and plans for their 'future' life. E.A. Wallis Budge is the greatest Egyptologist that England ever produced. His books are written for both the scientist and the layman. They are not written over-using technical lingo, but enrich the layman's learning about Egypt.
This historical reprint is a three volume set. All Three Books. The writings and drawings of the hidden palace which appertain to the souls and gods, and the shadows, and the spirits, which compose the beginning of the Horn of Ament, and the knowledge of the souls of Tuat, and the knowledge of the Secret Souls, and the knowledge of the doors and the ways through and on which the Great God journeyeth.
The sacred wisdom of the priests of ancient Egypt and the experiences of the soul after death: one of the most important books in history. Includes full hieroglyphic text along with a transliteration of sounds, word-for-word translation; a separate smooth translation.
Facsimile reprint of the rather hard to find title. Sir Renouf was E.A. Wallis Budge's boss at the British Museum till his retirement. 62 illustrations
The Icelandic Eddas are the only vernacular record of Germanic heathendom as it developed during the four centuries which in England saw the destruction of nearly all traces of the heathen system. The so-called Elder Edda is a collection of some thirty poems, mythic and heroic in substance, interspersed with short pieces of prose, which survives in a thirteenth-century MS., known as the Codex Regius, discovered in Iceland in 1642.
Volume 9 of the mystical revelations of G.R.S. Mead.
Volume 8 of the mystical revelations of G.R.S. Mead.
Volume 7 of the mystical revelations of G.R.S. Mead.
Volume 6 of the mystical revelations of G.R.S. Mead.