
Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Profits of Religion, The
Catalog #: SKU1106

This book is a study of Supernaturalism from a new point of view -- as a Source of Income and a Shield to Privilege. I have searched the libraries through, and no one has done it before. If you read it, you will see that it needed to be done. It has meant 25 years of thought and a year of investigation. It contains the facts.

Proofs of a Conspiracy
Catalog #: SKU1565

Published in 1798 this is probably the most quoted text regarding the alleged conspiratorial designs of Freemasonry. -- BEING AT a friend's house in the country during some part of the summer 1795, I there saw a volume of a German periodical work, called Religions Begebenheiten, i.e. Religious Occurrences; in which there was an account of the various schisms in the Fraternity of Free Masons, with frequent allusions to the origin and history of that celebrated association.

Prophecies of Paracelsus
Catalog #: SKU2069

THEOPHRASTUS BAUMBAST VON HOHENHEIM, commonly known as Paracelsus, the famous Swiss Physician, Alchemist and Occultist of the sixteenth century, was born on the 10th November, 1493, at Sihlbr

Prophecies of Robert Nixon, Mother Shipton, and Martha, the Gipsy.
Catalog #: SKU3658

The Prophecy of Nixon has so often given a name to the productions of authors of different principles, that it is now almost become a doubt whether such a person ever existed. Passing through Cheshire lately, curiosity led me to inquire what credit these legends bore among the natives: and I was not a little surprised to find with what confidence they related events which have come to pass within the memory of many of the inhabitants; and how strictly they adhered to the notion that he would not fail in the rest.

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Catalog #: SKU0147

The controversy surrounding this book has vehemently raged since the day it was "discovered". Here at, we neither dispute or credit the book. We prefer that you make your own decision, it's your right to be able to read it and determine whether it's protocols are in actual practice today. We do not consider it a 'hate' book, rather one that is 'disgusting and objectionable,' yet if any person or group, Jew or Gentile has enacted the protocols outlined within, then we feel you must have access to 'know thy enemy.'

Proverbs of Solomon
Catalog #: SKU2802

Getting translations direct from the Hebrew language brings life back into these scriptures for all men and women.

Psycho-Phone Messages
Catalog #: SKU3449

The word "psycho-phone" was first suggested and used by Mr. Francis Grierson in a lecture I heard him deliver before the Toronto Theosophical Society, August 31st, 1919, a year before Thomas Edison announced his intention of devising an instrument which he hopes will serve to establish intercourse between our world and the world of spirit.

Psycho-Phone Messages (Extra Large Print Adobe PDF Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3450

The word "psycho-phone" was first suggested and used by Mr. Francis Grierson in a lecture I heard him deliver before the Toronto Theosophical Society, August 31st, 1919, a year before Thomas Edison announced his intention of devising an instrument which he hopes will serve to establish intercourse between our world and the world of spirit.

Psycho-Phone Messages (Kindle Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3451

The word "psycho-phone" was first suggested and used by Mr. Francis Grierson in a lecture I heard him deliver before the Toronto Theosophical Society, August 31st, 1919, a year before Thomas Edison announced his intention of devising an instrument which he hopes will serve to establish intercourse between our world and the world of spirit.

Psycho-Phone Messages (MobiPocket Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3452

The word "psycho-phone" was first suggested and used by Mr. Francis Grierson in a lecture I heard him deliver before the Toronto Theosophical Society, August 31st, 1919, a year before Thomas Edison announced his intention of devising an instrument which he hopes will serve to establish intercourse between our world and the world of spirit.

Psychological Origin and Nature of Religion
Catalog #: SKU2630

A short look at how magic has formed religion and our views of religions.

Psychology of Religion: Human Origin of Morals
Catalog #: SKU1004

Two great essays in one volume. The evolution of psychology is a proof that science has not yet completely emancipated itself from its serfdom to religious beliefs. It was originally a branch of philosophy, and its chief purpose was to serve religion by furnishing convincing proofs that the soul is spiritual and immortal. In proportion as the methods of science were adopted in it, and arguments of a philosophical character were eliminated, the aim of the science was changed. Half a century ago it abandoned the word "soul," and it threw out the question of immortality as a minor irrelevance to be wrangled over by Materialists, Christians, Spiritualists, and Theosophists.

Queen of Sheba and Her Only Son Menyelek
Catalog #: SKU2996

The history of the departure of the Ark of the Covenant from Jerusalem into the care and protection of the Queen of Sheba and Prince Menyelek.

Queen of Sheba: Her Life and Times
Catalog #: SKU2995

The Queen of Sheba story reconstructed from ancient manuscripts in story form.

Question of Lucifer
Catalog #: SKU1894

This being an in depth defense, based in facts, against the false propaganda of the Catholic Church, alleging Freemasonry is Satanic/Satan worshippers would be an over simplification of any works by Arthur Edward Waite. Waite is one of the great mystic authors and researchers from the Age of Enlightenment, when the 'church' was held up to the light of truth, and the church failed.
