
Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Bible of Bibles, The (Large Print Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3031

Twenty-seven Divine Revelations Containing a Description of Twenty-seven Bibles, and an Exposition of Two thousand Biblical Errors in Science, History, Morals, Religion, and General Events. Written in 1863. Partial Contents: Leading Positions of this Work; Relationship of the Old and New Testaments; Why this Work was Written; All Bibles Useful in Their Place; Twenty-Seven Bibles Described: Hindu, Egyptian, Persian, Chinese, Mohammedan, Jew, Christian; General Analogies of bibles; Numerous Absurdities in the Story of the Deluge; Ten Commandments, Ten Foolish Bible Stories; Bible Prophecies not Fulfilled; Bible Miracles; Bible Contradictions; Obscene Language of the Bible; Bible Errors-New Testament; Divine Revelation Impossible and Unnecessary; Original Sin and Fall of Man not True; Repentance; An Angry God; Special Providences an Erroneous Doctrine; Faith and Belief; A Personal God Impossible; Evil, Natural and Moral, Explained; Rational View of Sin and its Consequences; Bible at War with Eighteen Sciences; Bible as a Moral Necessity; What Shall We Do to be Saved? True Religion Defined; Sects, Schisms, and Skeptics in Christian Countries; The Christians' God; Idolatrous Veneration for bibles; What Shall We Substitute for the Bible? Religious Reconstruction; or, the Moral Necessity for a Religious Reform.

Sir Issac Newton's Daniel and the Apocalypse
Catalog #: SKU3028

Carefully reproduced facsimile edition of this hard to find work on the great philosopher, scientist, and Biblical Scholar Issac Newton. A study into the Biblical theories of prophecies of Issac Newton, many based on his scientific and mathematial expertise. The author William Whitley adds his own research into the prophecies by adding historical background, explanations, definitions, and alternate views. Vegetable life, for instance, is a miracle of God, that we fail to recognize.

Confessions of Jacob Boehme
Catalog #: SKU3026

Truly a testimony of how Boehme came to study and learn the mystical arts of Christianity and spirituality

Clavis or The Key
Catalog #: SKU3025

It is written, The natural man receives not the things of the spirit, nor the Mystery of the kingdom of God, they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them: therefore I admonish and exhort the Christian lover of Mysteries, if he will study these high writings, and read, search, and understand them, that he does not read them outwardly only, with sharp speculation and meditation; for in so doing, he shall remain in the outward imaginary ground only, and obtain no more than a counterfeit color of them.

Cell of Self-Knowledge - Seven Early English Mystical Treatises
Catalog #: SKU3024

The seven tracts or treatises before us were published in 1521 in a little quarto volume: "Imprynted at London in Poules chyrchyarde at the sygne of the Trynyte, by Henry Pepwell. In the yere of our lorde God, M.CCCCC.XXI., the xvi. daye of Nouembre."

Bible of Bibles, The
Catalog #: SKU3021

Twenty-seven Divine Revelations Containing a Description of Twenty-seven Bibles, and an Exposition of Two thousand Biblical Errors in Science, History, Morals, Religion, and General Events. Written in 1863. Partial Contents: Leading Positions of this Work; Relationship of the Old and New Testaments; Why this Work was Written; All Bibles Useful in Their Place; Twenty-Seven Bibles Described: Hindu, Egyptian, Persian, Chinese, Mohammedan, Jew, Christian; General Analogies of bibles; Numerous Absurdities in the Story of the Deluge; Ten Commandments, Ten Foolish Bible Stories; Bible Prophecies not Fulfilled; Bible Miracles; Bible Contradictions; Obscene Language of the Bible; Bible Errors-New Testament; Divine Revelation Impossible and Unnecessary; Original Sin and Fall of Man not True; Repentance; An Angry God; Special Providences an Erroneous Doctrine; Faith and Belief; A Personal God Impossible; Evil, Natural and Moral, Explained; Rational View of Sin and its Consequences; Bible at War with Eighteen Sciences; Bible as a Moral Necessity; What Shall We Do to be Saved? True Religion Defined; Sects, Schisms, and Skeptics in Christian Countries; The Christians' God; Idolatrous Veneration for bibles; What Shall We Substitute for the Bible? Religious Reconstruction; or, the Moral Necessity for a Religious Reform.

Bible in India. The
Catalog #: SKU3020

The religions of ancient India have been claimed to be the original source of all religions. This author traces roots from Hinduism into Judaism and Christianity. Translated from La Bible dans l'Inde by Louis Jacolliot. CONTENTS: Author's Preface -- The Voices of India -- India's Relation to Antiquity -- Moses or Moïse and Hebrew Society -- The Hindoo Genesis, The Virgin Devanguy and Jezeus Christna -- Hindoo Origin of the Christian Idea. Reproduction of 19th Century Edition. Scans from 3 different books of this 1883 edition were used to get the best quality pages available from this old printing.

Apocalypse of Baruch - Assumption of Moses
Catalog #: SKU3017

Writing at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 ad, Baruch converses directly with God in a series of visions. The fall of Jerusalem is given as part of a larger end-of-the-world scenario. Baruch then receives prophecy: periods of light and darkness shall come, symbolized by rains bright and black, corresponding to alternating times when humanity lives in peace and harmony, then dark periods when evil reigns. Of particular note is the apocalypse when the Messiah appears again on earth. This alternate tale of the apocalypse inspires hope evil is punished, condemned to hell and cast off the earth, while those - left behind - are actually the righteous who will enjoy, literally, heaven on earth. Obviously a differing view from the currently in-vogue idea of 'rapture.'

Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk - Thrilling Mysteries of a Convent Revealed
Catalog #: SKU3014

The expose of the Catholic Convents and their torture and pervertedness was the headline of the day in the 1830s. An anti-Catholic movement was underway politically, and Monk's work lit a fire for the movement.

Ancient Mysteries Described - English Miracles Plays Founded on Apocryphal New Testament Stories
Catalog #: SKU3012

The English Miracle Plays, Founded on Apocryphal New Testament Story Extant Among the Unpublished Manuscripts in the British Museum including Notices of Ecclesiastical Shows: the Festival of Fools and Assess; the English Boy Bishop; The Descent into Hell; The Lord Mayor's Show; The Guildhall Giants; Christmas Carols, etc. Contents: The Birth of Mary; Mary's Education in the Temple; The Miraculous Espousal of Joseph and Mary; A Council of the Trinity and the Incarnation; Joseph's Jealousy; Visit of Mary to Elizabeth; The Trial of Mary and Joseph; The Miraculous Birth and the Midwives.

Aurora - Morning-Redness in the Rising of the Sun
Catalog #: SKU3008

THE books of this author, that are already published, declare sufficiently the high worth of his deep writings: But of all the benefits that do accrue thereby it is one inestimable excellency of them that they help the minds of all sorts of people, that will take pains to read and consider them, in the understanding of the holy Scriptures: and that satisfactorily and convincingly, without need of any reference to the vast commentaries of authors, either in the learned or modern tongues.

Arian Controversy, The - Epochs of Church History
Catalog #: SKU3007

Arianism is extinct only in the sense that it has long ceased to furnish party names. It sprang from permanent tendencies of human nature, and raised questions whose interest can never perish. As long as the Agnostic and the Evolutionist are with us, the old battlefields of Athanasius will not be left to silence.

Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, and Revelations
Catalog #: SKU3006

Over 500 pages of the 'Hidden' messages of the New Testament. These books were stricken from the canon, but for what reason? political?

Queen of Sheba and Her Only Son Menyelek
Catalog #: SKU2996

The history of the departure of the Ark of the Covenant from Jerusalem into the care and protection of the Queen of Sheba and Prince Menyelek.

Queen of Sheba: Her Life and Times
Catalog #: SKU2995

The Queen of Sheba story reconstructed from ancient manuscripts in story form.
