
Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Beyond the Tenth
Catalog #: SKU3391

To save a lot of later questions, let me say now that Man is one tenth conscious, the other nine tenths deal with the subconscious and all that which comes under the heading 'Racial Memories' and the Occult.
This book is about YOU, not just about one tenth of you, but also that which goes Beyond the Tenth.

As It Was
Catalog #: SKU3390

"As It Was!" Now why would he use such a silly title?

Arrows of Freethought
Catalog #: SKU3389

Every article in this collection was at least written carefully, and with an eye to more than the exigencies of the moment. In disentombing them from the cemeteries of periodical literature, where so many of their companions lie buried, I trust I have not allowed parental love to outrun discretion.

Legends of the Old Testament Traced to Their Apparent Primitive Sources
Catalog #: SKU3380

Debunking the myth of Divine origins of the Old Testament, and tracing the Old Testament myths to their original sources.

Things Divine and Supernatural Conceived by Analogy with Things Natural and Human
Catalog #: SKU3370

A reproduction of this 1733 rare and hard to find book.

Old Testament in Light of Historical Records and Legends of Assyria and Babylonia
Catalog #: SKU3365

How much of the Old Testament has it original sources from Mesopotamian legends and mythology? The author explores and reveals such connections.

Evolution and Christianity
Catalog #: SKU3357

The author investigates the difference of theory between religion and science. Perhaps they are one and the same story?

Old Testament Legends: Stories Out of Less-Known Apocryphal Books
Catalog #: SKU3355

If you read the title-page of this book-a thing which young persons very seldom do-you will see that it (the book) contains stories taken "out of some of the less-known apocryphal books of the Old Testament."

Catalog #: SKU3345

The Bible has been regarded as a sealed book, its mysteries impenetrable, its knowledge unfathomable, its key lost. Even its miracles have been so excluded from scientific research as to be invested with a supernaturalism which forever separated them from the possibility of human understanding and rational interpretation.

Catalog #: SKU3341

The interesting events narrated in this book which occurred at Hydesville, in the house of the Fox Family, are those by which Modern Spiritualism made its advent into this world as a new revelation in spiritual matters.

Christian Origins of America
Catalog #: SKU3340

In ransacking old court records, newspapers, diaries and letters for the historic foundation of the books which I have written on colonial history, I have found and noted much of interest that has not been used or referred to in any of those books. An accumulation of notes on old-time laws, punishments and penalties has evoked this volume. The subject is not a pleasant one, though it often has a humorous element; but a punishment that is obsolete gains an interest and dignity from antiquity and its history becomes endurable because it has a past only and no future. That men were pilloried and women ducked by our law-abiding forbears rouses a thrill of hot indignation which dies down into a dull ember of curiosity when we reflect that they will never be pilloried or ducked again.

Theism or Atheism (Large Print Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3325

Shrouded in the cloak of philosophy, the question of the existence of God continues to attract attention, and, I may add, to command more respect than it deserves.

Religion and Sex
Catalog #: SKU3324

In spite of all that has been done in the way of applying scientific principles to religious ideas, there is much that yet remains to be accomplished. Generally speaking science has only dealt with the subject of religion in its more normal and more regularised forms.

Prisoner for Blasphemy
Catalog #: SKU3323

This little volume tells a strange and painful story; strange, because the experiences of a prisoner for blasphemy are only known to three living Englishmen; and painful, because their unmerited sufferings are a sad reflection on the boasted freedom of our age.

Popular "Jihad"
Catalog #: SKU3320

In publishing this work, my chief object is to remove the general and erroneous impression from the minds of European and Christian writers regarding Islam, that Mohammad waged wars of conquest, extirpation, as well as of proselytizing against the Koreish, other Arab tribes, the Jews, and Christians;1 that he held the Koran in one hand and the scimitar in the other, and compelled people to believe in his mission. I have endeavoured in this book, I believe on sufficient grounds, to show that neither the wars of Mohammad were offensive, nor did he in any way use force or compulsion in the matter of belief.
