
Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Seventh Seal, The
Catalog #: SKU2638

A new look at the meaning of the Seventh Seal, first related by St. John in his Revelations. This is almost a Christian kabbalistic approach to define or explain the 7th seal. It is much better than the myths that modern preachers propose.

Sex = The Unknown Quantity : The Spiritual Function of Sex
Catalog #: SKU2639

A New and Startling Interpretation of the Meaning, Scope and Function of Sex as Seen and Interpreted From the Inner or Cosmic Standpoint. A Work That Should Revolutionize the Thought of Today in its Relation to the Vital Mystery of Sex in All its Aspects. It Presents a Practical Solution to the Sex Problems of Everyday Life.

Witch, Warlock and Magician
Catalog #: SKU2652

Historical sketches of witchcraft and magic in England and Scotland. Study into England's famous magicians John Dee, Roger Bacon, and William Lily.

Conjugial Love And Its Chaste Delights
Catalog #: SKU2659

I doubt anyone ever understood the carnal conjugial love more than Swedenborg. His view was spiritual, esoteric, and meaningful. If modern christianity had adopted these views, perhaps there would be a reason for that religion to exist.

Who Answers Prayer?
Catalog #: SKU2702

An eternal question of the ages, that every religion claims the answer and proprietorship of.

Apology for Mohammed and the Koran
Catalog #: SKU2711

Mohammed, regardless of how the Western bloc nations degradate the man, or Christianity crucifies him, was a hero and statesman for the Arab-Middle Eastern peoples. His legacy and genius created universities and preserved knowledge during Europe's Christian imposed Dark Ages.

Crucifixion, The: A Letter Written Seven Years After The Crucifixion
Catalog #: SKU2716

The manscript (letter) is held in protective custody by Freemasons in Germany.

Hebrew Religion Before Judaism
Catalog #: SKU2725

Few Christians, even fewer theologians, know that the religion of the Hebrews was greatly different than Judaism that we know today. Judaism was established after the release of the Jews from Babylonian/Persian captivity. It is a variant and conglomeration of the old Hebrew religion and the Persian/King Cyrus religion to the god Marduke.

Martyrs of Science
Catalog #: SKU2731

The great men of knowledge sacrificed on the altar of ridicule by the Christian Church and its illiterate leaders.

Mystery of the Kingdom of God: The Secret of Jesus' Messiahship and Passion
Catalog #: SKU2735

A look at the strange actions of Jesus at the Passion and His revealing of his Messiahship...

Sacred Mysteries Among the Mayas and Quiches 11,500 Years Ago
Catalog #: SKU2741

This author takes the history and origin of Freemasonry back thousands of years before Hebrew King Solomon and Hiram Abiff.

Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism
Catalog #: SKU2750

The hidden traditions must have been successful, for every modern generation has its adherents searching for them. Lost in time, as the philosophers stone.

Venerable Brotherhood of India : Modern World Movements
Catalog #: SKU2751

Freemasonry and theosophy traced back into ancient India's esoteric traditions.

Moriad: End of the Jewish State
Catalog #: SKU2769

From a manuscript about 1700 years old, written in Syriac Hebrew

Origin of the Prologue to St. John's Gospel
Catalog #: SKU2779

A study into curious and spurious manuscripts that are the basis of New Testament text.
