
Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Evils of Church Merchandising (Electronic Download Edition)
Catalog #: SKU2576

This was a tractlet written in 1849, warning the churches about the sins of the church going into business and fleecing the flock for money, at the disadvantage of main street businesses. Obviously this author was 100% correct, since the church is merely another corporation working the profit angles, instead of preaching the gospel.

An Androgynous Babylonian Divinity
Catalog #: SKU3979

An unusual revelation about one of our ancient gods; or goddess?

Inner Consciousness (Kindle-Emobi)
Catalog #: SKU3633

In theoretical as well as applied psychology no term is more misleading, or confusing than the term consciousness. We use the term often in our conversation; we come across it in our study; but when we are asked to define it properly, to explain its significance, its meaning, or the idea for which that word stands, we are unable to do so.

Seven Hymns of the Atharva-Veda
Catalog #: SKU2177

An article by the author about the hymns, prior to these Hymns being published in his book.

Ashur Version of the Seven Tablets of Creation
Catalog #: SKU3492

The origin of the Semitic Deluge story.

Bel and the Dragon
Catalog #: SKU2904

A rare, short study of the Biblical apocryphal story of Daniel and the god Bel, and Daniel slaying a dragon.
