
Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Salem Witchcraft, The Planchette Mystery, and Modern Spiritualism
Catalog #: SKU3877

The name of the village of Salem is as familiar to Americans as that of any provincial town in England or France is to Englishmen and Frenchmen; yet, when uttered in the hearing of Europeans, it carries us back two or three centuries, and suggests an image, however faint and transient, of the life of the Pilgrim Fathers, who gave that sacred name to the place of their chosen habitation.

Serpent and Siva Worship : Origin of Serpent Worship
Catalog #: SKU0185

The researches and explorations of travelers, scientists and learned investigators, are every day adding to our knowledge of the Serpent-Cultus. It is rising above the old conception of an obscure and ill-defined superstition, to the dimensions of a religion, distinctly outlined in its characteristic features, and by no means without a recondite metaphysical basis.

Song Celestial : Bhagavad-Gita
Catalog #: SKU4079

This famous and marvellous Sanskrit poem occurs as an episode of the Mahabharata, in the sixth--or "Bhishma"--Parva of the great Hindoo epic. It enjoys immense popularity and authority in India, where it is reckoned as one of the "Five Jewels,"--pancharatnani--of Devanagiri literature.

Srimad Bhagavad Gita
Catalog #: SKU4082

A beautiful way to present the Bhavagad Gita: The English translation alongside the Sanskrit text.

St. Paul and the Mystery Religions
Catalog #: SKU2975

Was Paul influenced by the Mystery Religions? This author thinks not...

Theory Of Knowledge, A
Catalog #: SKU1712

When we find Science, which has done so much and promised so much for the happiness of mankind, devoting so large a proportion of its resources to the destruction of human life, we are prone to ask despairingly-Is this the end?

Catalog #: SKU3863

A totem is a class of material objects which a savage regards with superstitious respect, believing that there exists between him and every member of the class an intimate and altogether special relation. The name is derived from an Ojibway Chippeway word totem, the correct spelling of which is somewhat uncertain.

Witchcraft and Devil Lore
Catalog #: SKU2509

Transcripts From The Official Records Of The Guernsey Royal Court, With An English Translation And Historical Introduction. - A study of the withcraft and devil lore once prevalent in the Channel Islands.

Yoga Vashisht or Heaven Found
Catalog #: SKU3905

The reader will find this work contains the records of spiritual truths, the secret doctrine or eternal teaching of the Munis and Rishis, of India. The ideals are wonderfully clear.

Apocalypse of Baruch - Assumption of Moses
Catalog #: SKU3017

Writing at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 ad, Baruch converses directly with God in a series of visions. The fall of Jerusalem is given as part of a larger end-of-the-world scenario. Baruch then receives prophecy: periods of light and darkness shall come, symbolized by rains bright and black, corresponding to alternating times when humanity lives in peace and harmony, then dark periods when evil reigns. Of particular note is the apocalypse when the Messiah appears again on earth. This alternate tale of the apocalypse inspires hope evil is punished, condemned to hell and cast off the earth, while those - left behind - are actually the righteous who will enjoy, literally, heaven on earth. Obviously a differing view from the currently in-vogue idea of 'rapture.'

Aryan Origin Of The Alphabet
Catalog #: SKU0092

The invention of the Alphabet is generally admitted to be one of the very greatest scientific human achievements. It enables civilized men by an easy system of some twenty four or so sound-sings or letter to rapidly express and register their thoughts and speak through time and space, conduct their everyday business by registers and correspondence, and chronicle their experience for the use of future generations by permanent records.

Bhagavad Gita Dictionary
Catalog #: SKU4081

A Study Aid for the English Reader of the Bhagavad Gita

Case of the Missing Messiah
Catalog #: SKU0169

It is ever the miracle within the human soul that religion, as distinct from secular human physical science, must cultivate and place in living control of life, if human life is to be harmoniously related to the world, to the body, to the orderly course of evolutionary progress.

Cultus Arborum : Phallic Tree Worship
Catalog #: SKU2122

A small book delving into the meanings, origins, and development of Phallic worship.

Doctrine of Addai The Apostle
Catalog #: SKU1997

Few Christians ever read the 'very' earliest writings of the founders of the 'religion' of Christianity. The leaders of early Christianity were men and women of few 'written' words, and the Catholic church has destroyed and/or hidden those 'few' words since its organization. The Protestants continue the coverups and prefer their ranks to remain loyal and passionate with ignorance, like its mother, the Catholic Church.
