Historical Reprints
The form of his countenance is like that of a wild beast; his right eye like the star that rises in the morning, and the other without motion; his mouth one cubit; his teeth a span long; his fingers like scythes; the track of his feet of two spans; and in his face an inscription, Antichrist.' A reprint from the 1800s, this is a scanned text book. The authors use apocryphal books in their research to prove the validity of the Antichrist and disproving the Jesus mythology. Interesting read and research.
A look at the witchcraft and its adherents in Salem, Massachusetts, that led to the infamous witch trials and burning at the stake, in the name of religion and god.
Timothy Green Beckley brings back the lost revelations of Brother Philip's mysteries and studies of the South American Andes. Expanded edition includes material from Timothy Beckley, Brent Raynes, Harold T. Wilkins, Joshua Shapiro, John J. Robinson, and Charles A. Silva.
It has been asserted that there is no such thing as Indian Religion, though there are many Religions in India. This is not so. As I have already pointed out (Is India Civilized?) there is a common Indian religion which I have called Bharata Dharma, which is an Aryan religion (Aryadharma) held by all Aryas whether Brahmanic, Buddhist or Jaina.
Accused of being heretics, the Roman Church persecuted and crushed these early believers. Was it because they knew the truth about the man Jesus, and refused to bow to lies of the Constantine Church? Large print 14 point font.
What are these boasted resources of the Christ-worshipers? Their morality? It is the same as in all religions, but their cruel dogmas produced and taught persecution and trouble. Their miracles? But what people has not its own, and what wise men do not disdain these fables? Their prophecies? Have we not shown their falsity? Their morals? Are they not often infamous? The establishment of their religion? but did not fanaticism begin, and has not intrigue visibly sustained this edifice? The doctrine? but is it not the height of absurdity?
One of the most insidious and distasteful show of ignorance is a Christian preacher or Patriot-Conspiracy nut-jobs preaching against the Talmud, when they have never read it, studied it, or even taken the simple step of asking a Rabbi about it. Christian preachers feel they have to preach 'against' something, which is exactly the opposite of what their god told them to do.
Being a high and deep searching out of the Threefold Life of Man, through the Three Principles. Wherein is clearly shewn that which is eternal; and also that which is mortal. And wherefore God, who is the highest Good, hath brought all things to light. Also wherefore one thing is contrary to another, and destroyeth it: and then what is right or true, and what is evil or false, and how the one severeth (distinguishes) itself from the other. Wherein especially the Three Principles are founded, which are the only original or fountain whence all things flow and are generated. Large 12 point font, Not a scanned book, new reprinted edition.
German philosopher and critic of culture, who influenced a number of the major writers and philosophers of the 20th century Germany and France. Nietzsche's most popular book, Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1883-1885), went ignored at the time of its appearance. Full of provocative ideas, Nietzsche was a master of aphoristic form and use of contradictions. Before and after the rise and fall of the Nazis, he was widely misrepresented as an anti-Semite and a woman hater, and many philosophers found it difficult to take his writings seriously.
The Papal Worship Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife : With sixty-one woodcut illustrations from Nineveh, Babylon, Egypt, Pompeii, etc. Objects of Worship; Festivals; Doctrine and Discipline; Rites and Ceremonies; Religious Orders; The Two Developments Historically and Prophetically Considered. This famous book exposing Christianity's Pagan origins.
The story of the amazing reign of this one man, Joseph F. Smith, the Mormon Prophet, a religious fanatic of bitter mind, who claims that he has been divinely ordained to exercise the awful authority of God on earth over all the affairs of all mankind, and who plays the anointed despot in Utah and the surrounding states as cruelly as a Sultan and more securely than any Czar.
When first projected it was the writer's purpose to take up the subject of English witchcraft under certain general political and social aspects. It was not long, however, before he began to feel that preliminary to such a treatment there was necessary a chronological survey of the witch trials. Those strange and tragic affairs were so closely involved with the politics, literature, and life of the seventeenth century that one is surprised to find how few of them have received accurate or complete record in history. It may be said, in fact, that few subjects have gathered about themselves so large concretions of misinformation as English witchcraft.
For researchers in oriental history reveal the remarkable fact that stories of incarnate Gods answering to and resembling the miraculous character of Jesus Christ have been prevalent in most if not all the principal religious heathen nations of antiquity; and the accounts and narrations of some of these deific incarnations bear such a striking resemblance to that of the Christian Savior - not only in their general features, but in some cases the most minute details, from the legend of the immaculate conception to that of the crucifixion, and subsequent ascension into heaven - that one might almost be mistaken for another.
I am Tuesday Lobsang Rampa. That is my only name, it is now my legal name, and I answer to no other. Many letters come to me with a weird conglomeration of names attached; they go straight in the waste paper basket, for, as I say, my only name is Tuesday Lobsang Rampa.
The reader will find in this book a firm assurance of God's care of mankind as a whole and of each human being. The assurance is rested in God's infinite love and wisdom, the love pure mercy, the wisdom giving love its ways and means. It is further grounded in an interpretation of the universe as a spiritual-natural world, an interpretation fully set forth in the earlier book, Divine Love and Wisdom, on which the present work draws heavily. Large print 13 point font.