Historical Reprints
While we call these ancient cults and myths, these beliefs were just as real, just as fact, just as truth as Christianity or Islam is to their adherents today.
It saves a lot of letters if I tell you why I have a certain title; it is said, 'It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.' In my first ten books I have tried to light a candle, or possibly two. In this, the eleventh book, I am trying to Feed the Flame.
This book is quite old (written 1930s), yet it's a perennial shining light amongst the plethora of channelled material available nowadays. Stewart and Betty White published several books in the 1930s. The Gaelic Manuscripts was never properly published.
This work contains a collection of the customs, usages, and ceremonies current among gypsies, as regards fortune-telling, witch-doctoring, love-philtering, and other sorcery, illustrated by many anecdotes and instances, taken either from works as yet very little known to the English reader or from personal experiences.
Few Christians, even fewer theologians, know that the religion of the Hebrews was greatly different than Judaism that we know today. Judaism was established after the release of the Jews from Babylonian/Persian captivity. It is a variant and conglomeration of the old Hebrew religion and the Persian/King Cyrus religion to the god Marduke.
I, the author, state that this book is absolutely true. Some people who are bogged down in materialism may prefer to consider it as fiction. The choice is yours --believe or disbelieve according to your state of evolution. I am NOT prepared to discuss the matter or to answer questions about it. This book, and ALL my books, are TRUE!
An exposition of Biblical astronomy and astrology, with many ancient history connections researched and related.
This book is the fourth of a series by David H. Lewis, based on research
involving the infinite powers of the human mind and our universal
energy. Its contents establish the connection between our normally used
powers and the unknown gifted powers from the center of Creation.
M. Burnouf asserts that the Indian origin of Christianity is no longer contested: "It has been placed in full light by the researches of scholars, and notably English scholars, and by the publication of the original texts. . . . In point of fact for a long time folks had been struck with the resemblances, or rather the identical elements, contained in Christianity and Buddhism. Writers of the firmest faith and most sincere piety have admitted them.
IRELAND, whether viewed from an antiquarian or an ethnological point of view, is one of the most interesting countries in the world. It is not the less an object of attention from the fact, that in its early history there are traces of nearly every kind of pagan belief.
I sat and pondered. "Why should I not write a book?" I thought. True that I am a Cat, but not an ordinary cat.
The lessons which compose this volume originally appeared in monthly form, the first of which was issued in October, 1907, and the twelfth in September, 1908. These lessons met with a hearty and generous response from the public, and the present volume is issued in response to the demand for the lessons in a permanent and durable form.
Dionysius was a learned and well-studied man, the first Bishop of the Athenian Christian church. He could have probably debated with the most scholarly Rabbi of his day. Dionysius writes about the 'mysteries' of the Christian religion, BEFORE the disciples of Jesus had all passed away. He was well acquainted with Saint Paul and Saint John
To some persons, the utility of such a work may not be obvious. It may be asked What interest has the present age, in a mew of the errors and prejudices of the Pagan Britons?
The Past may be forgotten, but it never dies. The elements which in the most remote times have entered into a nation's composition endure through all its history, and help to mould that history, and to stamp the character and genius of the people.