
Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
Catalog #: SKU3191

We are fond of regarding ourselves as the heirs of Rome, and we like to think that the Latin genius, after having absorbed the genius of Greece, held an intellectual and moral supremacy in the ancient world similar to the one Europe now maintains, and that the culture of the peoples that lived under the authority of the C

Revelations of Divine Love
Catalog #: SKU2844

Lady Julian was a saint and prophetess in her lifetime. She was a hermit, but being a hermit at the church she was called an anchoress. She had herself walled up inside a small room in a church with only one small barred window to give messages to those that came to her. Here are two books from her sayings and writings.

Secrets of the Nunneries Disclosed
Catalog #: SKU2473

The Female Convents - The sins of the Holy Sisters exposed, and this hypocrisy continues....

Story of Ahikar
Catalog #: SKU2797

An in depth and interesting study into the Biblical character Ahikar.

Across the Unknown
Catalog #: SKU0990

Suddenly you fit into the place where the thing you shaped will go with mathematical nicety. It is as though a lot of scattered things were dancing about; and Clap! they were all in a pattern. You call it fate, or luck, or destiny, but all the time it is just the preparation of your days on days..

Age of Reason and Bonus Essays
Catalog #: SKU0966

The Age of Reason is a philosophical treatise written by the 18th Century American philosopher and patriot Thomas Paine, best remembered as the author of the political pamphlet Common Sense, credited with exciting colonial opinion in support of the American Revolutionary War.

Armenian Version of Revelation
Catalog #: SKU2824

The Apocalypse of St. John from Armenian sources, translated into English.

Beyond Our Galaxy (Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU0002

An account of alien existence taken from the documented records found in the secret tombs of the great pyramid

Celestial Telegraph (Vol. 1 & 2 Set)
Catalog #: SKU1497

The object of this work is not a desire to create or annihilate such or such a system to favor any particular religion or creed, more or less prominent in our age; its sole object is to commune with men who, like me, seek the truth with all the strength of their soul, Pursue the track wherein I believe it to be, and you will find it. Be prudent; admit, reject nlaught without mature examination, and what you do not comprehend never proclaim to be impossible!

Christianity Reviewed
Catalog #: SKU2120

A rare and honest look at Christian traditions, creeds, life, and myths by a preacher of Christ's gospel.

Cities of the Deep (Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU0114

The author, having spent countless months searching through hieroglyphics, Naval records, ancient scrolled manuscripts, and ships logging, now brings to light one more haunting phenomenon from the archives of an explorer's heritage. It has long been a seaman's nightmare that demons possess many areas of our ocean, with concentrated thought aimed at our Bermuda Triangle and the mysterious disappearances occurring over these hundreds of centuries.

Clothed With The Sun
Catalog #: SKU1438

A GOLDEN chalice, like those used in Catholic rites, but having three linings, was given to me in my sleep by an Angel. These linings, he told me, signified the three degrees of the heavens,--purity of life, purity of heart, and purity of doctrine.

Code of the Illuminati, The
Catalog #: SKU1981

Will not hell vomit forth its legions to applaud this last Spartacus, to contemplate in amazement this work of the Illuminizing Code?-Will not Satan exclaim, "Here then are men as I wished them. I drove them from Eden; Weishaupt has driven them to the forests. I taught them to offend their God; he has made them reject their God entirely.

Days Before Tommorrow (Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU0005

The Days Before Tommorrow expands on the details in "Mysteries of the Pyramid," bringing the author's view of how Christianity plays a role in the prophecies. Admittedly the theories are not typical mainstream theologies which are popular today in Christianity, but Lewis has researched and presented his views very well in an easy to read format.

Doctor from Lhasa
Catalog #: SKU1571

This book is a picture of life utterly unlike anything we know in the Western world, and one in which occult powers and supernatural happenings play an important part. It is a continuation of the story of a man so completely possessed by the spirit of a Tibetan Lama from the Potala Monastery in Lhasa that he became, in fact, the Lama himself. This Lama suffered a long, arduous imprisonment, survived degradation, starvation, and soul-destroying tortures.
