
Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Antichrist, The
Catalog #: SKU0985

This book belongs to the most rare of men. Perhaps not one of them is yet alive. It is possible that they may be among those who understand my "Zarathustra": how could I confound myself with those who are now sprouting ears?--First the day after tomorrow must come for me. Some men are born posthumously.

Arian Controversy, The - Epochs of Church History
Catalog #: SKU3007

Arianism is extinct only in the sense that it has long ceased to furnish party names. It sprang from permanent tendencies of human nature, and raised questions whose interest can never perish. As long as the Agnostic and the Evolutionist are with us, the old battlefields of Athanasius will not be left to silence.

As David and the Sibyls Say
Catalog #: SKU2823

The Jewish religion once revered and gave the sibyls their due for their insight, prophecies, and writings. The Christian religion merely took many of their sayings and gave credit to a male apostle or saint.

Babylonian Legends of Creation - Fight Between Bel and the Dragon
Catalog #: SKU1781

The baked clay tablets and portions of tablets which describe the views and beliefs of the Babylonians and Assyrians about the Creation were discovered by Mr. (later Sir) A.H. Layard, Mormuzd Rassam and George Smith, Assistant in the Department of Oriental Antiquities in the British Museum. Told by Assyrian Tablets From Nineveh

Bible Spells
Catalog #: SKU1581

The idea behind Bible Magick is simple; all verses in the Bible are charged with spiritual energies. This power of creation is called "LOGOS," meaning "WORD." It is thought that God the Creator used the LOGOS to initiate creation. The Universe and everything within it are divine words that have solidified. You can imagine that they were once dissolved in the sound vibrations of the divine cosmic word. Each thing we see is a divine word become solid.

Book of Delight
Catalog #: SKU1392

The writer has attempted in this volume to take up a few of the most characteristic points in Jewish doctrine and practice, and to explain some of the various phases through which they have passed, since the first centuries of the Christian era. A really nice overview of Judaism, Hebrew culture and its general history. 3 Books on this 'always enlightening' topic in one volume.

Book of the Words
Catalog #: SKU2032

A rare reprint of Albert Pike's Book of the Words - It is a study into the origin and meaning of those words/phrases peculiar to the art of Freemasonry. This reprint is a facsimile edition.

Christ's Mission to the Underworld
Catalog #: SKU2402

He set the captives free... often stated in churches, but the theory of Christ's mission to the underworld (hell) is not in the Bible. Where did it come from? Why did the early Christians believe this?

Cosmic Memory : Atlantis, Lemuria, and the Akashic Record
Catalog #: SKU1628

Cosmic Memory Prehistory of Earth and Man : RUDOLF STEINER is one of those figures who appear at critical moments in human history, and whose contribution places them in the vanguard of the progress of mankind.

Devil Worship in France or the Question of Lucifer
Catalog #: SKU3180

THE term Modern Satanism is not intended to signify the development of some new aspect of old doctrine concerning demonology, or some new argument for the personification of the evil principle in universal nature. It is intended to signify the alleged revival, or, at least, the reappearance to some extent in public, of a cultus diabolicus, or formal religion of the devil, the existence of which, in the middle ages, is registered by the known facts of the Black Sabbath, a department, however, of historical research, to which full justice yet remains to be done. Large print 15 point font.

Egyptian Book of the Dead
Catalog #: SKU3059

Facsimile reprint of the rather hard to find title. Sir Renouf was E.A. Wallis Budge's boss at the British Museum till his retirement. 62 illustrations

Esoteric Buddhism
Catalog #: SKU2814

Millions of Western worlders have studied the Buddhist religion and way of life. Perhaps millions in the past two centuries have adopted that philosophy and way of life. What is there that attracts the mind looking for peace and tranquility?

Flatey Book
Catalog #: SKU2554

Documented evidence that the Catholic church knew about the American continents, long before Columbus.

Forbidden Game - Forbidden Knowledge Series
Catalog #: SKU1603

WE TAKE DRUGS FOR TWO MAIN REASONS; EITHER TO RESTORE ourselves to the condition we regard as normal --to cure infections, and to take away pain; or to release us from normality--to enable us to feel more lively, or more relaxed; to alter our mood, or our perceptions. It is with this second category (of drug use, not of drugs; the drugs themselves may be the same) that I am concerned.

Guiding Star to a Higher Spiritual Condition
Catalog #: SKU1913

As often as it is repeated in the two former books, that the writing, speaking, picture making were always done by some spirit in visible form while standing before and in sight and hearing of the whole circle, some persons, who say they have read these accounts, still ask us; "Why, could you see the specter? Could you hear it talk? Could you see it write ? Could you see it while it was making a picture ?"
