
Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Heavenly Father
Catalog #: SKU1308

The hearty kindness with which my fellow-countrymen received my words has been to me both a delight and an encouragement. The expressions of sympathy which have reached me from abroad allow me to hope that these pages, notwithstanding the deficiencies and imperfections of which I am keenly sensible, reflect some few of the rays of the truth which God has deposited on the earth, thereby to unite in the same faith and hope men of every tongue and every nation.

Heavenly Bridegrooms : An Unintentional Contribution to the Erotogenetic Interpretation of Religion
Catalog #: SKU2612

A look into the strange presumption of most religions of God-Sex with human women, producing gods from their offspring. A cabalistic or esoteric view of the spiritual wedding and marriage.

Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell
Catalog #: SKU3185

The Lord, speaking in the presence of His disciples of the consummation of the age, which is the final period of the church, says, near the end of what He foretells about its successive states in respect to love and faith: Large print 13 point font.

Heathen Mythology
Catalog #: SKU3283

There was something very pleasing and very poetical in the thought, that each river had its nymph, and every wood its god: that a visible power watched over even the domestic duties of the people, ready to punish or reward; and that, too in a manner so strange and immediate, that it must have greatly affected their minds in stimulating to good, or deterring from evil.

Haweis Translation of The New Testament
Catalog #: SKU3275

APPEARING before the Public as a translator of the Oracles of God, it would ill become me to deprecate the severity of criticism, when I most cordially desire the intelligent and learned of my brethren to point out my mistakes for correction, and, in love and in the spirit of meekness, to smite me friendly. Should, however, the shafts of malignity, and the weapons not of our warfare, be employed against this humble, yet well-meant, attempt to make the Scriptures better understood, I shall endeavour to pluck the honey-comb from the lion's carcase, and be thankful for real information, in whatever mode it may be communicated.

Harmonics Series - 8 Volume Set
Catalog #: SKU3035

This is an 8 volume set of this highly evolved series on spiritual growth and health. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices.

Harmonics of Evolution
Catalog #: SKU3034

This is volume 1 of highly evolved series on spiritual growth and health. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices. Harmonic Series

Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling
Catalog #: SKU1669

This work contains a collection of the customs, usages, and ceremonies current among gypsies, as regards fortune-telling, witch-doctoring, love-philtering, and other sorcery, illustrated by many anecdotes and instances, taken either from works as yet very little known to the English reader or from personal experiences.

Guiding Star to a Higher Spiritual Condition
Catalog #: SKU1913

As often as it is repeated in the two former books, that the writing, speaking, picture making were always done by some spirit in visible form while standing before and in sight and hearing of the whole circle, some persons, who say they have read these accounts, still ask us; "Why, could you see the specter? Could you hear it talk? Could you see it write ? Could you see it while it was making a picture ?"

Grounds of Christianity
Catalog #: SKU1867

It is a common opinion, that there are some doctrines so sacred, and others of so bad a tendency, that no public discussion of them ought to be allowed. Were this a right opinion, all the persecution that has ever been practised would be justified

Great Work, The
Catalog #: SKU3037

This is volume 3 of this highly evolved series on spiritual growth and health. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices. Harmonic Series

Great Psychological Crime, The
Catalog #: SKU3038

This is volume 3 of this highly evolved series on spiritual growth and health. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices. Harmonic Series

Great Message, The
Catalog #: SKU3039

This is volume 5 of this highly evolved series on spiritual growth and health. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices.

Great Known, The
Catalog #: SKU3040

This is volume 4 of this highly evolved series on spiritual growth and health. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices. Harmonic Series

Great Flood And Other Myths And Legends Of The Old Testament, The
Catalog #: SKU1723

Conspiracy Journal brings back to print the long needed research of James George Frazer. There is a massive amount of research and analysis in this 225 page reprint! This one should be in the library of every free-thinker and truth-seeker.
