Historical Reprints
Comprising the Gospels & Epistles now extant, that in the first four centuries were more or less accredited to the apostles and their coadjutors, but were finally excluded from the New Testament canon.
A scholarly study into the origin of the worship and idolization of twins in most religions. The Boanerges, the Dioscuri, the Heavenly Twins, all words for the same phenomena of religion's twins. The twins show up in Christianity and Judaism in the sacred texts, having a unique position in those religions, Jacob-Esau, Lea-Rachael, Jesus-Thomas, and possibly Cain-Abel.
2 books in 1 volume: Most studies show that nearly all religions originated in India, and what we see today are mere variants of those early religions of mankind. Buddhism is no different. Its moral dogmas have been copied into many other religions and portions of the life of Buddha himself have be re-created under the names of other prophets and gods. There is nothing new under the sun. This is a massive study of Buddha and Buddhist beliefs.
The Creation, The Fall of Man, The Deluge, Tower of Babel, Patriarchs, and Nimrod : Very interesting to read the same or similar stories that are in the Bible, from another race, culture, and civilization, other than the Hebrews.
Troward's contributions to the explanation of what he calls "Mental Science" are models of clarity,
and I have myself found them most helpful in sorting and crystallising my own thoughts on
"spiritual" matters.
Christianity is an historical religion and must be judged historically. We trace its course along the stream of time and show its character and achievements. Without dwelling unnecessarily on individual cases of fanaticism and folly, we exhibit its action on society, and its principles as formulated by Councils and illustrated by general practice.
Our favorite mythological character, who just doesn't seem to go away through time. So a myth or not the Devil rules the Western world.
There is an age old mystery concerning Jesus of the Talmud. GRS Mead fully explores the matter and the parallels are too many to ignore.
Debunking the myth of Divine origins of the Old Testament, and tracing the Old Testament myths to their original sources.
Many archeological discoveries of the early Christian church began to surface in the late 1800s. The author studies the ancient monuments, art, and artifacts of the church. With 182 illustrations the influence of Christianity in the ancient world is proven.
First published in 1893, this book contains a detailed discussion of the funerary rituals and objects which were used in Egyptian religion to allow the deceased to live again in the Duat (the afterlife). Budge provides detailed descriptions of common religious texts, religious rites and the major deities involved in these. He also includes interpretations for other artefacts which commonly accompanied a burial, including shabiti statues and amulets. His comprehensive study represents the state of Egyptian funerary archaeology before major archaeological finds of the twentieth century challenged its interpretations.
The entire world of Islam is to-day in profound ferment. From Morocco to China and from Turkestan to the Congo, the 250,000,000 followers of the Prophet Mohammed are stirring to new ideas, new impulses, new aspirations. A gigantic transformation is taking place whose results must affect all mankind.
The author studies the problems of multiple interpretations for the same mystic events or practices and multiple interpretations of symbolism.
The Secret Doctrine set the religious world on fire when it was first introduced, a heaven-sent answer for many whose spiritual questions were not addressed by Christianity.
In shape Egypt is like a lily with a crooked stem. A broad blossom terminates it at its upper end; a button of a bud projects from the stalk a little below the blossom, on the left-hand side. The broad blossom is the Delta, extending from Aboosir to Tineh, a direct distance of a hundred and eighty miles, which the projection of the coast-the graceful swell of the petals-enlarges to two hundred and thirty.