Historical Reprints
What sort of hymnals and literature did the early church use?
Several interesting essays, including the Time Machine and the Bible...
Lady Julian was a saint and prophetess in her lifetime. She was a hermit, but being a hermit at the church she was called an anchoress. She had herself walled up inside a small room in a church with only one small barred window to give messages to those that came to her. Here are two books from her sayings and writings.
Lady Julian was a saint and prophetess in her lifetime. She was a hermit, but being a hermit at the church she was called an anchoress. She had herself walled up inside a small room in a church with only one small barred window to give messages to those that came to her. Here are two books from her sayings and writings.
This curious set of books were never published for public sale and printed over 135 years ago. They were available only to Masonic lodges and libraries.
This book from 1830 was credited to 'The Astrologer of the 19th Century', Raphael. It is a very interesting esoteric book containing more than simple astrology and dream interpretation.
The Jewish religion and its offsprings have produce more 'sacred texts' than most religions, but many have been hidden from people by the church.
The Jewish religion and its offsprings have produce more 'sacred texts' than most religions, but many have been hidden from people by the church.
How much influence did the Persian and Babylonian religions have on Judaism and its writers?
A thought for each day of the year from the mystic Christian, Emanuel Swedenborg. Breathe in the deeper, mystical meanings of the religion of Christians.
A rare, short study of the Biblical apocryphal story of Daniel and the god Bel, and Daniel slaying a dragon.
A timeless classic and expose of the Catholic church. THERE are two women who ought to be constant objects of the compassion of the disciples of Christ, and for whom daily prayers ought to be offered at the mercy-seat -- the Brahmin woman, who, deceived by her priests, burns herself on the corpse of her husband to appease the wrath of her wooden gods; and the Roman Catholic woman, who, not less deceived by her priests, suffers a torture far more cruel and ignominious in the confessional-box, to appease the wrath of her wafer-god.
A timeless classic and expose of the Catholic church. An in depth expose by an 'insider' of the corruption, lies, and myths of the Roman Catholic church.
From one of the greatest Christian thinkers and Christian mystics since the time of Christ. Today's preachers show utter ignorance when compared to masterful knowledge and thoughts of Emanuel Swedenborg.
The Book of the Rolls, The Story of Aphikia, Cyprian and Justa : Lost Apocryphal Books of the Bible