
Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Babylonian Legends of Creation - Fight Between Bel and the Dragon
Catalog #: SKU1781

The baked clay tablets and portions of tablets which describe the views and beliefs of the Babylonians and Assyrians about the Creation were discovered by Mr. (later Sir) A.H. Layard, Mormuzd Rassam and George Smith, Assistant in the Department of Oriental Antiquities in the British Museum. Told by Assyrian Tablets From Nineveh

Isiac Tablet of Cardinal Bembo, The
Catalog #: SKU1789

THIS curious relic of an age long past cannot fail to attract the attention of every earnest student of the Mysteries; its beauty of design, its careful execution, its obvious antiquity, its certain connection with that most incomprehensible scheme of religion-the Egyptian, all combine to fascinate the mind and stimulate the intellect in a search for the explanation of the purpose and meaning of this very elaborate pictorial work of Art. Mysterious in its conception, of unknown origin, and of peculiar workmanship, this Tablet merits examination and research.

Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah
Catalog #: SKU1795

An exploration into the spiritual side of the Qabalah. The author presents the Qabalah, as a study, meditation, and prayer system that is applicable to any person of any religion.

India in Primitive Christianity
Catalog #: SKU1796

M. Burnouf asserts that the Indian origin of Christianity is no longer contested: "It has been placed in full light by the researches of scholars, and notably English scholars, and by the publication of the original texts. . . . In point of fact for a long time folks had been struck with the resemblances, or rather the identical elements, contained in Christianity and Buddhism. Writers of the firmest faith and most sincere piety have admitted them.

Buddhist Bible - The Life of Buddha
Catalog #: SKU1797

2 books in 1 volume: Most studies show that nearly all religions originated in India, and what we see today are mere variants of those early religions of mankind. Buddhism is no different. Its moral dogmas have been copied into many other religions and portions of the life of Buddha himself have be re-created under the names of other prophets and gods. There is nothing new under the sun. This is a massive study of Buddha and Buddhist beliefs.

Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity
Catalog #: SKU1800

Egypt is unique in its place in history, for that land and people, has had the stamp of every major religion upon its culture. This book explores some of those influences, whether they originated in Egypt, were forced on Egypt, or were brought in by other cultures and missionaries. Examining this book objectively it is not hard to see that the Jesus of the Christians played out the fulfillment of the ancient Egyptian religions and prophecies.

Sacred Chants of the Navajo : Mountain Chant: A Navajo Ceremony
Catalog #: SKU1812

The First Americans used chants and dances for prophecy, medicine, make changes to the weather, and calls to the gods or prayers, similar to the methods used in Buddhism and Hinduism. Yet little in depth study has been accomplished on the First American practices, as has been done in the Asian religions.

Orion, The : The Antiquity of the Vedas
Catalog #: SKU1822

This ignored scientific research was by one of India's political warriors, who dared to confront the British occupation and British destruction of his homeland. Based on independent research, astronomical facts, and from the Vedas themselves, Tilak proves that these precious manuscripts were written around or in excess of 6000 years ago. Oddly enough this lines up with biblical interpretation that mankind started 6000 years ago...and that the Great Pyramid of Egypt, too was established on a certain position of Orion.

Teutonic Mythology
Catalog #: SKU1826

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday... all from Teutonic Mythologies of the Aryans! And this is the source for the Christian nonsense about 'hell'! Three volumes of suppressed mythologies!

Norse Mythology : Legends of Gods and Heroes
Catalog #: SKU1831

The mythology of our forefathers, as we know it from Norse mythical poems and from the records of ancient writers, has not come down to us in its genuine pagan form. It is extant only in a later form, dating from a period when its devotees had begun to lose their absolute faith in the older divinities, had begun to harbor doubts and to catch intimations of a consolation nobler and better than that which the ancient divinities had been able to give them.

Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians
Catalog #: SKU1837

Just what does this mysterious organization believe or practice? From a Rosicrucian insider the myths get verified and myths get debunked.

Talmud, The (Barclay Translation)
Catalog #: SKU1840

One of the most insidious and distasteful show of ignorance is a Christian preacher or Patriot-Conspiracy nut-jobs preaching against the Talmud, when they have never read it, studied it, or even taken the simple step of asking a Rabbi about it. Christian preachers feel they have to preach 'against' something, which is exactly the opposite of what their god told them to do.

Superstition In All Ages - Common Sense
Catalog #: SKU1849

What are these boasted resources of the Christ-worshipers? Their morality? It is the same as in all religions, but their cruel dogmas produced and taught persecution and trouble. Their miracles? But what people has not its own, and what wise men do not disdain these fables? Their prophecies? Have we not shown their falsity? Their morals? Are they not often infamous? The establishment of their religion? but did not fanaticism begin, and has not intrigue visibly sustained this edifice? The doctrine? but is it not the height of absurdity?

Mysteries of the Ancient Qabalah
Catalog #: SKU1851

Qabalah is the strange and mystical Jewish mysticism that dazzles the mind of truthseekers in every generation. The source of most Abrahamic religions can be seen through the Qabalah, though the righteousness of its teachings are lost in those same religions.

Grounds of Christianity
Catalog #: SKU1867

It is a common opinion, that there are some doctrines so sacred, and others of so bad a tendency, that no public discussion of them ought to be allowed. Were this a right opinion, all the persecution that has ever been practised would be justified
