
Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Echoes of the Gnosis : Volume 11 : The Wedding Song of Wisdom
Catalog #: SKU2988

Volume 11 of the mystical revelations of G.R.S. Mead.

Echoes of the Gnosis : Volume 1: The Gnosis of the Mind
Catalog #: SKU2978

Volume 1 of the mystical revelations of G.R.S. Mead.

Echoes of the Gnosis : Volume 2 : The Hymns of Hermes
Catalog #: SKU2979

Volume 2 of the mystical revelations of G.R.S. Mead.

Echoes of the Gnosis : Volume 3 : The Vision of Aridaeus
Catalog #: SKU2980

Volume 3 of the mystical revelations of G.R.S. Mead.

Echoes of the Gnosis : Volume 4 : The Hymn of Jesus
Catalog #: SKU2981

Volume 4 of the mystical revelations of G.R.S. Mead.

Echoes of the Gnosis : Volume 5 : The Mysteries of Mithra
Catalog #: SKU2982

Volume 5 of the mystical revelations of G.R.S. Mead.

Echoes of the Gnosis : Volume 6 : A Mithraic Ritual
Catalog #: SKU2983

Volume 6 of the mystical revelations of G.R.S. Mead.

Echoes of the Gnosis : Volume 7 : The Gnostic Crucifixion
Catalog #: SKU2984

Volume 7 of the mystical revelations of G.R.S. Mead.

Echoes of the Gnosis : Volume 8 : The Chaldaean Oracles V1
Catalog #: SKU2985

Volume 8 of the mystical revelations of G.R.S. Mead.

Echoes of the Gnosis : Volume 9 : The Chaldaean Oracles V2
Catalog #: SKU2986

Volume 9 of the mystical revelations of G.R.S. Mead.

Edda - I and II, The
Catalog #: SKU1348

The Icelandic Eddas are the only vernacular record of Germanic heathendom as it developed during the four centuries which in England saw the destruction of nearly all traces of the heathen system. The so-called Elder Edda is a collection of some thirty poems, mythic and heroic in substance, interspersed with short pieces of prose, which survives in a thirteenth-century MS., known as the Codex Regius, discovered in Iceland in 1642.

Egyptian Book of the Dead
Catalog #: SKU3059

Facsimile reprint of the rather hard to find title. Sir Renouf was E.A. Wallis Budge's boss at the British Museum till his retirement. 62 illustrations

Egyptian Book of the Dead - Papyrus of Ani - 2 Volume Set
Catalog #: SKU0669

The sacred wisdom of the priests of ancient Egypt and the experiences of the soul after death: one of the most important books in history. Includes full hieroglyphic text along with a transliteration of sounds, word-for-word translation; a separate smooth translation.

Egyptian Heaven and Hell (3 Vol Set)
Catalog #: SKU3044

This historical reprint is a three volume set. All Three Books. The writings and drawings of the hidden palace which appertain to the souls and gods, and the shadows, and the spirits, which compose the beginning of the Horn of Ament, and the knowledge of the souls of Tuat, and the knowledge of the Secret Souls, and the knowledge of the doors and the ways through and on which the Great God journeyeth.

Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life
Catalog #: SKU1897

The Ancient Egyptians not only had one of the most elaborate funeral rituals, that continues to fascinate scientists and archeologists, but they also had the most imaginative and exotic - dreams and plans for their 'future' life. E.A. Wallis Budge is the greatest Egyptologist that England ever produced. His books are written for both the scientist and the layman. They are not written over-using technical lingo, but enrich the layman's learning about Egypt.
