
Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



War and the Churches
Catalog #: SKU1524

This timely reprint is needed in this era of the U.S. illegal wars and illegal invasions of two nations, without provokation. Uncanny and without justification is Christianity's almost unanimous and carte blanche approval of the Bush Wars, under the flag of the cross, to many of the religious right pundits.

Celestial Telegraph (Vol. 1 & 2 Set)
Catalog #: SKU1497

The object of this work is not a desire to create or annihilate such or such a system to favor any particular religion or creed, more or less prominent in our age; its sole object is to commune with men who, like me, seek the truth with all the strength of their soul, Pursue the track wherein I believe it to be, and you will find it. Be prudent; admit, reject nlaught without mature examination, and what you do not comprehend never proclaim to be impossible!

Bible Unmasked, The
Catalog #: SKU1496

This book is dedicated in all seriousness to rabbis, priests and ministers, in the hope that it may bring them to realize the fraud they are perpetrating by preaching the Bible as the Word of God, and as a moral and intellectual guide for or the human race.

Unknown Life of Christ
Catalog #: SKU1494

Ancient scrolls reveal that Jesus spent seventeen years in India and Tibet From age thirteen to age twenty-nine, he was both a student and teacher of Buddhist and Hindu holy men. The story of his journey from Jerusalem to Benares was recorded by Brahman historians. Today they still know him and love him as St. Issa. Their 'buddha'

Salem Witchcraft
Catalog #: SKU1492

Our ancestors have been visited with unmeasured reproach for their conduct on the occasion. Sad, indeed, was the delusion that came over them, and shocking the extent to which their bewildered imaginations and excited passions hurried and drove them on. Still, however, many considerations deserve to be well weighed before sentence is passed upon them.

Gospel of the Holy Twelve
Catalog #: SKU1490

In 1881, an Irish clergyman, Rev. G. J. Ouseley, claimed to have discovered the Original Gospel from which the present Four Gospels were derived. He claimed this original gospel "was hidden by some of the Essene Community for safety from the hands of the corrupters, and is now for the first time translated from the Aramaic."

Epistles of Ignatius
Catalog #: SKU1489

Ignatius, who also called himself Theophorus ("bearer of God"), was most likely a disciple of both Apostles Peter and John. Ignatius is generally considered to be one of the Apostolic Fathers (the earliest authoritative group of the Church Fathers) and a saint by both the Roman Catholics, who celebrate his feast day on October 17, and the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic churches, who celebrate his feast day on December 20. Ignatius based his authority on living his life in imitation of Christ.

Celestial Telegraph Vol. 2
Catalog #: SKU1488

The object of this work is not a desire to create or annihilate such or such a system to favor any particular religion or creed, more or less prominent in our age; its sole object is to commune with men who, like me, seek the truth with all the strength of their soul, Pursue the track wherein I believe it to be, and you will find it. Be prudent; admit, reject nlaught without mature examination, and what you do not comprehend never proclaim to be impossible!

Celestial Telegraph Vol. 1
Catalog #: SKU1487

The object of this work is not a desire to create or annihilate such or such a system to favor any particular religion or creed, more or less prominent in our age; its sole object is to commune with men who, like me, seek the truth with all the strength of their soul, Pursue the track wherein I believe it to be, and you will find it. Be prudent; admit, reject nlaught without mature examination, and what you do not comprehend never proclaim to be impossible!

Stonehenge Today & Yesterday
Catalog #: SKU1485

he interest that has always attached itself to Stonehenge has, without doubt, been in a great measure due to the mystery as to the origin of this unique monument of bygone time.

Martyrdom of Man
Catalog #: SKU1484

A day will come when the European God of the nineteenth century will be classed with the gods of Olympus and the Nile; when surplices and sacramental plate will be exhibited in museums; when nurses will relate to children the legends of the Christian mythology as they now tell them fairy tales.

Gospels in the Second Century
Catalog #: SKU1479

Ideally speaking, Apologetics ought to have no existence distinct from the general and unanimous search for truth, and in so far as they tend to put any other consideration, no matter how high or pure in itself, in the place of truth, they must needs stand aside from the path of science.

Age of the Reformation
Catalog #: SKU1472

The excuse for writing another history of the Reformation is the need for putting that movement in its proper relations to the economic and intellectual revolutions of the sixteenth century. The labor of love necessary for the accomplishment of this task has employed most of my leisure for the last six years and has been my companion through vicissitudes of sorrow and of joy.

Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel & the Apocalypse of St. John
Catalog #: SKU1468

Public schools never teach that Sir Issac Newton was a Biblical student and researcher! Reprinted now is his study into the famous Bible prophecies.

Legends Of Genesis
Catalog #: SKU1466

ARE the narratives of Genesis history or legend? For the modern historian this is no longer an open question; nevertheless it is important to get a clear notion of the bases of this modern position.
