Historical Reprints
This book is quite old (written 1930s), yet it's a perennial shining light amongst the plethora of channelled material available nowadays. Stewart and Betty White published several books in the 1930s. The Gaelic Manuscripts was never properly published.
Written in 1882, did the author correctly forsee the power, influence and future of Islam in the western world? The French, by their invasion of Tunis, have precipitated the Mohammedan movement in North Africa; Egypt has roused herself for a great effort of national and religious reform; and on all sides Islam is seen to be convulsed by political portents of ever-growing intensity.
THE work consists of a group of Hermetic books, which have been called the Funereal Ritual, or Book of the Dead. It is not, indeed, strictly a Ritual in the more extended sense of that term, but consists of several Hermetic works divided into separate chapters, each preceded by a title indicating its purport, and each principal section followed by directions explaining its use.
In this little treatise I am presenting to all students of nature great things to observe and to consider. Great as much because of their intrinsic excellence as of their absolute novelty, and also on account of the instrument by the aid of which they have made themselves accessible to our senses.
"You must remember," said Mme. Blavatsky, "that I never meant this for a scientific work. My letters to the Russian Messenger, under the general title: 'From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan,' were written in leisure moments, more for amusement than with any serious design.
Four Books Published in One Volume by TGS Publishers!
The Freedom of Life - As A Matter of Course - Power Through Repose - Nerves and Common Sense
THE aim of this book is to assist towards the removal of nervous irritants, which are not only the cause of much physical disease, but materially interfere with the best possibilities of usefulness and pleasure in everyday life.
The Christ had preached a universal doctrine, a new revelation of the Good God, the Father over all. They who tried to graft this on to Judaism, the imperfect creed of one small nation, were in grievous error, and had totally misunderstood the teaching of the Christ. The Christ was not the Messiah promised to the Jews. That Messiah was to be an earthly king, was intended for the Jews alone, and had not yet come.
HOW sad an Account have they to give, whose Throats, like open Sepulchres, blast with their Breath (as far as their Venom reaches) the most eminent Gifts of God in Men that bear his Image? Of which did they know the Danger, it could not but make them tremble, to consider how their poisoned Arrows will return and stick in their own Souls : Yet some have not feared maliciously to defame this deep illuminated Man of God. A Man, whose Writings manifestly appear to have been the Dictates of God's Spirit. And the Will of God was made the Rule of his Life, resigning himself to the divine Will, to will and work nothing but according to the Will of God.
This vast valley plain is our Garden of Eden. Now, Look! as thousands before you have done in wonder and surprise! Look immediately around you, over the hanging garden on which you stand, and, look out for snakes, for how could you have such a garden without a "Serpent."
TODAY the medley of outward life has made a perplexity of inward life. We moderns have ruffled our old incertitudes to an absurd point--incertitudes that are older than theology. Whence are these writings--these emotions--these profound pages of wisdom? You might as well inquire, whence is human nature? The fact is--they are. It isn't as though you can compare this literature with any other, as you might compare the French Romanticists with the Russian school.
TODAY the medley of outward life has made a perplexity of inward life. We moderns have ruffled our old incertitudes to an absurd point--incertitudes that are older than theology. Whence are these writings--these emotions--these profound pages of wisdom? You might as well inquire, whence is human nature? The fact is--they are. It isn't as though you can compare this literature with any other, as you might compare the French Romanticists with the Russian school.
An Exposition of the Fables and Mythology of the Bible and the Fallacies of Theology. Contents: The Menace of Religious Intolerance; Genesis of Christianity; A Sketch of Hebrew Scriptures; The Patriarchs and the Covenants of Yahveh; Wonders of the Exodus; Forty Years in the Wilderness; The Ten Commandments and the Law; Conquest of the Promised Land; Hebrew-Heathen Religion, Sex Worship and Idols; Pagan God And Gods Of Israel; Yahveh, The Terrible God of Israel; Holy Priests and Prophets of Yahveh; Bible Theology and Modern Truth; The Prophecies of Jesus Christ; The Inspired Harmony of the Gospels; More Harmony of the Gospels; The Sacred Doctrines of Christianity; The Christian Plan of Salvation; Revelations of the Hereafter; Cesset Superstitio! And Then?
WE TAKE DRUGS FOR TWO MAIN REASONS; EITHER TO RESTORE ourselves to the condition we regard as normal --to cure infections, and to take away pain; or to release us from normality--to enable us to feel more lively, or more relaxed; to alter our mood, or our perceptions. It is with this second category (of drug use, not of drugs; the drugs themselves may be the same) that I am concerned.