Historical Reprints
The word God seems intended to express the idea of a power universal and eternally active, which gives impulse to the movements of all Nature, following the laws of a harmony alike constant and wonderful, and developing itself in various forms, which organized matter can take, which blends itself with and animates everything and which seems to constitute One, and only to belong to itself, in its infinite variety of modifications.
FOR some nine hundred years, a strange national-religious body has lived in Syria. The Druzes have been the wonder of scholars, and the political opponents of those to whom the country in which they lived belonged. All sorts of theories have been advanced by scholars to account for their peculiar tenets and customs.
This ignored scientific research was by one of India's political warriors, who dared to confront the British occupation and British destruction of his homeland. Based on independent research, astronomical facts, and from the Vedas themselves, Tilak proves that these precious manuscripts were written around or in excess of 6000 years ago. Oddly enough this lines up with biblical interpretation that mankind started 6000 years ago...and that the Great Pyramid of Egypt, too was established on a certain position of Orion.
It has been contended, and many still believe, that in ancient Rome the doctrines of Christ found no proselytes, except among the lower and poorer classes of citizens. That is certainly a noble picture which represents the new faith as searching among the haunts of poverty and slavery, seeking to inspire faith, hope, and charity in their occupants; to transform them from things into human beings; to make them believe in the happiness of a future life; to alleviate their present sufferings; to redeem their children from shame and servitude; to proclaim them equal to their masters. But the gospel found its way also to the mansions of the masters, nay, even to the palace of the C
A few years ago the subject-matter of the present volume might have been condensed into a few pages. Beyond what we would gather from the Old Testament, we knew but little about the history and geography of Canaan before the age of its conquest by the Israelites.
Real life experiences with phantasms reported in short story form.
It will soon be: 1500 years since the decision of the Council of 543 A.D.1 condemned to oblivion sublime teachings which ought to have been carefully preserved and handed down to future generations as a beacon amid social reefs; teachings that would have uprooted that frightful egoism which threatens to annihilate the world, and instilled patience into the hearts of such as were being crushed beneath the wheel of the cosmic law, by showing them the scales of Justice inclining to the side filled with their iniquities of bygone times; teachings which would have been welcomed by the masses, and the understanding of which would not have called for any lofty intellectual culture.
This book from 1830 was credited to 'The Astrologer of the 19th Century', Raphael. It is a very interesting esoteric book containing more than simple astrology and dream interpretation.
SAINTS and sinners are not two selected from the numerous classes to be met with in the world, with which in every-day life we come in contact. They comprise the entire population of the globe. This is the one broad and essential division which includes all mankind. There are black races and white ones; but, then, there are also the intermediate red, olive, and dusky. There are tall men and short ones, heavy men and light ones; but not to the exclusion of those of middle height or weight, which stand somewhere between the two.
The Secret Doctrine set the religious world on fire when it was first introduced, a heaven-sent answer for many whose spiritual questions were not addressed by Christianity. While some people may discount some of the theology, throwing the baby out with the bathwater is just wrong. Blavatsky searched the world over hunting for the true religion, the true spirituality, -- the truth.
The Secret Doctrine set the religious world on fire when it was first introduced, a heaven-sent answer for many whose spiritual questions were not addressed by Christianity. While some people may discount some of the theology, throwing the baby out with the bathwater is just wrong. Blavatsky searched the world over hunting for the true religion, the true spirituality, -- the truth.
SURVIVAL OF THE REMNANTcould be considered as a sequel to this author's book, THE DAYS BEFORE TOMORROW since it envelops many of the atrocities of governmental laws that are now forcing the issue of human survival throughout America and the world. It deals with the trials and tribulations everyone must succumb to in order to preserve our democracy and our freedoms.
A nice study into the differences and evolution from polytheism to monotheism within the ancient Egyptian civilization. This new edition captured all the original plates the are missing in most reprints of this book. TGS has added new and additional plates / illustrations to compliment the original plates.
A logical approach presented against the theory of evolution.
This book is the fourth of a series by David H. Lewis, based on research
involving the infinite powers of the human mind and our universal
energy. Its contents establish the connection between our normally used
powers and the unknown gifted powers from the center of Creation.