
Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Apocalypse of Baruch
Catalog #: SKU0008

Many of the Catholic faith are familiar with the Book of Baruch in the Catholic Bibles and the Apocrypha, but few are acquainted with the apocalyptical writings of Baruch which are more far-reaching in their scope.

Apocalypse of Baruch - Assumption of Moses
Catalog #: SKU3017

Writing at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 ad, Baruch converses directly with God in a series of visions. The fall of Jerusalem is given as part of a larger end-of-the-world scenario. Baruch then receives prophecy: periods of light and darkness shall come, symbolized by rains bright and black, corresponding to alternating times when humanity lives in peace and harmony, then dark periods when evil reigns. Of particular note is the apocalypse when the Messiah appears again on earth. This alternate tale of the apocalypse inspires hope evil is punished, condemned to hell and cast off the earth, while those - left behind - are actually the righteous who will enjoy, literally, heaven on earth. Obviously a differing view from the currently in-vogue idea of 'rapture.'

Apocrypha Arabica
Catalog #: SKU2933

The Book of the Rolls, The Story of Aphikia, Cyprian and Justa : Lost Apocryphal Books of the Bible

List price: $18.95 save 42%
Apocrypha Siniatica
Catalog #: SKU2934

Anaphori Pilati, Recognitions of Clement, Martyrdom of Clement, The Preaching of Peter, Martyrdom of James, Preaching of Simon, Martrydom of Simon : Lost New Testament Apocryphal Books of the Bible

Apocrypha Syriaca
Catalog #: SKU2935

Jacobi, Mariae, Syriac Hymn, Ephraim, Jacob, and more : Lost Apocryphal Books of the Bible

Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles
Catalog #: SKU1265

History of Mar Matthew and Mar Andrew - History of Philip the Apostle - The Decease of Saint John the Apostle - History of John the Son of Zebedee - -The History of Thecla - Acts of Judas Thomas - The Doctrine of Addai the Apostle - The Chronicle of Edessa - The Chronicle of John Bishop of Nikiu

Apocryphal and Legendary Life of Christ
Catalog #: SKU2936

The whole body of apocryphal gospels that relay the words and life of Jesus Christ in a continuous narrative form. : Lost Apocryphal Books of the Bible

Apocryphal and Legendary Life of Christ LARGE PRINT
Catalog #: SKU2990

The whole body of apocryphal gospels that relay the words and life of Jesus Christ in a continuous narrative form. : Lost Apocryphal Books of the Bible

Apocryphal Books of the New Testament
Catalog #: SKU2959

Apocrypha means HIDDEN.. what did the church choose to hide from the people? This book contains uncanonized New Testament books, and missing (or redacted) portions of canonized books in the New Testament.

Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, and Revelations
Catalog #: SKU3006

Over 500 pages of the 'Hidden' messages of the New Testament. These books were stricken from the canon, but for what reason? political?

Apocryphal New Testament
Catalog #: SKU0501

Comprising the Gospels & Epistles now extant, that in the first four centuries were more or less accredited to the apostles and their coadjutors, but were finally excluded from the New Testament canon.

Apocryphal Revelations : One God, one Fold, one Shepherd
Catalog #: SKU0682

The origin of evil is clearly and concisely explained. It substantiates the truths of Christianity, Christian Science and all other religions and philosophies. It also shows how man evolves from the animal and becomes not man, child of God, until endowed with a soul.

Apocryphal Revelations : One God, One Fold, One Shepherd
Catalog #: SKU0883

Enlightening Perspective on the Godhead and Life

Apollonius of Tyana
Catalog #: SKU1984

TO the student of the origins of Christianity there is naturally no period of Western history of greater interest and importance than the first century of our era; and yet how little comparatively is known about it of a really definite and reliable nature. If it be a subject of lasting regret that no non-Christian writer of the first century had sufficient intuition of the future to record even a line of information concerning the birth and growth of what was to be the religion of the Western world, equally disappointing is it to find so little definite information of the general social and religious conditions of the time.

Apology for Mohammed and the Koran
Catalog #: SKU2711

Mohammed, regardless of how the Western bloc nations degradate the man, or Christianity crucifies him, was a hero and statesman for the Arab-Middle Eastern peoples. His legacy and genius created universities and preserved knowledge during Europe's Christian imposed Dark Ages.
