Historical Reprints
There are two accounts of the miraculous conception, one in the gospel according to St. Matthew, the other in the gospel according to St. Luke
What truth so obvious, so certain, as the being of a God, which the most ignorant ages have acknowledged, for which the most refined geniuses have ambitiously striven to produce new proofs and arguments? What truth so important as this, which is the ground of all our hopes, the surest foundation of morality, the firmest support of society, and the only principle which ought never to be a moment absent from our thoughts and meditations?
Two articles by the legendary Paul Carus into the Yahveh cults.
When did Yahwe worship begin? and where? Perhaps NOT the Hebrews...
The circumstances with which the narrative deals are an important contribution to the history of psychic research, and they are presented for what they are worth while the witnesses and actors in the story are alive.
The circumstances with which the narrative deals are an important contribution to the history of psychic research, and they are presented for what they are worth while the witnesses and actors in the story are alive.
The circumstances with which the narrative deals are an important contribution to the history of psychic research, and they are presented for what they are worth while the witnesses and actors in the story are alive.
The author traces the doctrine of Satan through the Old and New Testaments, and extra-biblical manuscripts.
The writer of this book dedicates it to all men and women of common honesty and common sense. I have not said that there are not wise sayings in the Bible, or a few dramatic incidents, but there are just as wise sayings, and wiser ones, too, out of the book, and there are dramas of human life that surpass in interest anything contained in the Old or New Testament.
The writer of this book dedicates it to all men and women of common honesty and common sense. I have not said that there are not wise sayings in the Bible, or a few dramatic incidents, but there are just as wise sayings, and wiser ones, too, out of the book, and there are dramas of human life that surpass in interest anything contained in the Old or New Testament.
The writer of this book dedicates it to all men and women of common honesty and common sense. I have not said that there are not wise sayings in the Bible, or a few dramatic incidents, but there are just as wise sayings, and wiser ones, too, out of the book, and there are dramas of human life that surpass in interest anything contained in the Old or New Testament.
But what, it may be asked, was the nature of this teaching, supposed to have been handed down by tradition as having been delivered by the first Apostles?
Justice is due to all men; it is a gem that sheds a brilliant radiance upon the tyrant and the slave, upon the rich and the poor; Justice is in the moral world what the sun is in the physical, one illuminates the intellectual, the other the terrestrial system.
A unique collection of materials on a seldom thought of topic, when considering the Satanic entity.
A treatise and study of Phallic worship in relation to and practiced by the ancient Hindu religion.