The Human Mind Powers of the Mind



Powers of the Mind


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Century of the Artist, The - Audio CD
Catalog #: SKU2049

This series was transcribed and edited to make the book, NEW MAGIC ERA. My CD lectures explore the spirit of what magic is really all about: imagination and creating and going beyond provincial ideas about systems and patterns and foolish New Age imagery.

Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion
Catalog #: SKU2085

Suggestion, or rather Autosuggestion, is quite a new subject, and yet at the same time it is as old as the world. It is new in the sense that until now it has been wrongly studied and in consequence wrongly understood; it is old because it dates from the appearance of man on the earth. In fact autosuggestion is an instrument that we possess at birth, and in this instrument, or rather in this force, resides a marvelous and incalculable power, which according to circumstances produces the best or the worst results.

Brainwashing : The Story of the Men Who Defied It
Catalog #: SKU2118

An in depth study of brainwashing used by governments, military, and others against mankind, with stories of how to defeat such attempts from those who succeeded. The author was a respected scholar in this field of study, and supplied Congress with valuable information about brainwashing.

Mental Growth and Mental Control
Catalog #: SKU2144

A study into the power of the mind and its control over our lives.

Human Intercourse
Catalog #: SKU2229

Unique study into the styles, methods, and trends of humans interacting and relating to each other.

Higher Powers of Mind & Spirit
Catalog #: SKU2256

We are all dwellers in two kingdoms, the inner kingdom, the kingdom of the mind and spirit, and the outer kingdom, that of the body and the physical universe about us. In the former, the kingdom of the unseen, lie the silent, subtle forces that are continually determining, and with exact precision, the conditions of the latter.

Practical Mind Reading
Catalog #: SKU2268

Thought-Transferrence, Telepathy, Mental Currents, Mental Rapport - Practical Instruction, Exercises and Directions!

Psychical Survival: Psychical Research and Survival
Catalog #: SKU2270

Psychical Research has to proceed on scientific lines. The chief of the many problems which confront it is concerned with phenomena purporting to establish the fact of the survival of human personality after bodily death.

Telepathy : Genuine and Fraudulent
Catalog #: SKU2274

Telepathy or the direct action of mind on mind apart from the ordinary channels of sense, opens a new chapter; it is not a coping-stone completing an erection, but a foundation stone on which to build

Telepathy and the Subliminal Self
Catalog #: SKU2275

An account of recent investigations regarding hypnotism, automatism, dreams, phantasms, and related phenomena.

Catalog #: SKU2276

An Outline of its Facts, Theory and Implications

Third Eye, The
Catalog #: SKU2278

It was a time when people were questioning their beliefs. Christianity and organized religion seemed stagnant and out of touch with a new generation who were seeking spiritual truths rather than undefined platitudes. People were seeking answers, but no one knew what the question was. The time was ripe for a new beginning.

Catalog #: SKU2287

It was a time when people were questioning their beliefs. Christianity and organized religion seemed stagnant and out of touch with a new generation who were seeking spiritual truths rather than undefined platitudes. People were seeking answers, but no one knew what the question was. The time was ripe for a new beginning.

A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
Catalog #: SKU2296

This book makes no pretense of giving to the world a new theory of the intellectual operations. Its claim to attention, if it possess any, is grounded on the fact that it is an attempt, not to supersede, but to embody and systematize, the best ideas which have been either promulgated on its subject by speculative writers, or conformed to by accurate thinkers in their scientific inquiries.

Power of Mesmerism
Catalog #: SKU2307

This is a fiction novel. It is rated XXX! We reprint this for its theory of mesmerism over sexuality and erotic actions.

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