The Human Mind Powers of the Mind



Powers of the Mind


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Art and Science of Personal Magnetism and The Secret of Mental Fascination
Catalog #: SKU0808

It is a strange and almost amusing fact that there should be at the same time, on the part of the general public, such a general acceptance of the existence of personal magnetism, on the one hand, and such an ignorance of the nature of this wonderful force, on the other hand. In short, while everyone believes in the existence of personal magnetism, scarcely anyone possesses knowledge of the real nature of the same, much less a working knowledge of its principles of application.

Access Denied : For Reasons of National Security
Catalog #: SKU0777

ACCESS DENIED is a real book of answers, solutions and positive hope for all of u.s. and our allies around the world. This book was written for everyone and especially for the thousands who have read TRANCE and were left to imagine pertinent details that could not be included.

Mind Magnet
Catalog #: SKU0722

How to Unify and Intensify Your Natural Faculties for Efficiency, - Health and Success - How to free yourself from the grip of a race habit millions of years old, Develop a new master center and thus cure disease, Dealing with disease and inharmony, A three word key thought that will focus your thought upon a mighty truth and raise you to a new level of master consciousness, Providing an inlet and outlet for energy, Creative energy, How to heal your body and pocketbook, Warning signals of coming inharmony, Rooting out ideals which cause disease, Self-healing.

Dynamic Thought or the Law of Vibrant Energy
Catalog #: SKU0712

This book is a marriage of the Ancient Occult Teachings to the latest and most advanced conception of Modern Science. Partial Contents: Things as They Are; The Universality of Life and Mind; Life and Mind Among the Atoms; The Paradox of Science; Forces of Nature; Law of Attraction; Theory of Dynamic Thought; Law of Vibrant Energy; Riddle of the Sphinx; Mystery of Mind; Finer Forces of the Mind; Thought in Action.

Quantum Healing
Catalog #: SKU0668

Exploring The Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine - Here is an extraordinary new approach to healing by an extraordinary physician-writer-a book filled with the mystery, wonder, and hope of people who have experienced seemingly miraculous recoveries from cancer and other serious illnesses.

Risking Being Alive - Wisdom of NOW
Catalog #: SKU0659

Risking Being Alive is a collection of ideas, experiments and readings which introduce psychological tools that can be used to increase the sharpness with which you see and relate to the world. Used properly they will enable you to enrich your life and become master of your fate.

Self-Aware Universe
Catalog #: SKU0653

How Consciousness Creates the Material World - In this stimulating and timely book, Amit Goswami, Ph.D., shatters the widely popular belief held by Western science that matter is the primary "stuff" of creation, and proposes instead that consciousness it the true foundation of all we know and perceive.

Stalking the Wild Pendulum - Mechanics of Consciousness
Catalog #: SKU0639

This book offers a revolutionary perspective on human consciousness and its limitless possibilities. Widely known and loved for his clarity, humor, and imagination, Bentov throws new light on the familiar world of phenomena, giving us a startling new view of ourselves in an expanded, conscious, holistic universe.

Lies Your Ego Told You
Catalog #: SKU0590

Lies Your Ego Told You can unlock the secret of a happy and rewarding life for you. Dian Nicholson gives you a definite method by which 'The Three Criteria' can open to you a vast reservoir of creative power -- power you have never suspected exists within you.

Stargate Chronicles - Memoirs of a Psychic Spy
Catalog #: SKU0583

McMoneagle's fourth book provides a timely and fascinating look at a reality few outsiders have ever seen, a scenario in which military psychics were trained and used for counterintelligence--sometimes involving life-and death decisions--at the height of the Cold War.

Power of Now, The : Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
Catalog #: SKU0558

The word enlightenment conjures up the idea of some superhuman accomplishment, and the ego likes to keep it that way, but it is simply your natural state of felt oneness with Being. It is a state of connectedness with something immeasurable and indestructible, something that, almost paradoxically, is essentially you and yet is much greater than you. It is finding your true nature beyond name and form.

Mysticism and the New Physics
Catalog #: SKU0550

The exciting sequel to The Holographic Universe - Mystics and "idealist" have always propounded the idea that the world is an illusion. Now quantum physics is putting forward theories that reinforce this belief. Until recently, the empirical approach of physicists such as Newton has taught us that the world exists with or without human consciousness to observe it. But we can never be totally objective about reality.

Practical Guide to Psychic Powers
Catalog #: SKU0549

"This book is an excellent primer for those who desire to begin the greatest journey of their life-the journey int to realm of psychic development. Denning and Phillips knowledgeably point you in the right direction, and then they provide sound exercises to start you on your journey. How far you go is up to you, but this is the book to get you started."

How to Put the Subconscious Mind to Work LARGE PRINT COMB-BOUND
Catalog #: SKU0512

To some to be healed by vibration may appear miraculous but of course it is the natural operation of a common mental and physical law of vibration. A superstitious or religious belief that the Lord spoke and it was done, or, a bigoted idea of the miraculous power of God could have produced the same effect.

Sex, Drugs and Magick
Catalog #: SKU0460

Sex, Drugs & Magick can be considered a 'scholarly' appraisal of both the historical and modern use (an misuse) of drugs in conjunction with sex and 'occult' practices. But don't let the word 'scholarly' put you off. Don in Wilson' inimitable style, this is a book filled with humor, cynicism, wonder and essential information for those who would pursue what can be an immensely rewarding path, potholed with a array of social and physical dangers.

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